Wed 30 Jun, 2010 03:32 pm
yo im just some kid tryna hav fun
why diss me I just don’t giv a fuk
ya call me a man I just smash ur fukin head to tha grand
you might not like ma bars
you might not agree
just something I do so happily
I see u wanderin up the road makin me mad
I could just smash the **** outa u
y u doin this to me it just aint fair
u need to getta life or just fukin leave me alone
im justa lil fat kid with a very big dream
u take the piss everythin I do
what I wear even down to tha hat
I come across like I got no manners
but I got wat I need and thats wat matters
you think im shy
you think im a bore
but wait to no me before you judge just come and knock on the door
I no im just some loser kid hu everyone hates
I just feel so depressed
I just cant seem to get out this world
I took ma pain
I hold in ma fear
I hardly even shred a tear
but now its just to much how can I go on
I just wish I was dead
I can only just get ma self outa ma bed
how did I end up here
I just don’t know
sometimes I just really don’t care
I just cant seem to swallow this **** like i done before
I cant just sit bak and fade away
y do you love them
y not me
I just don’t see what have I done to end up like this
what if one day I just pak ma bags
what if I just disappear
would u even notice cos you shore wouldn’t care
im startin to lose my soul
everythins just all doom and gloom
if its me u all shout and stare
if its them you just laugh it all off
I didnt ask for this so y giv it to me
I don’t need this **** so fukin take it bak
I don’t think im betta than ya
I don’t wanna be betta than ya
I just wanna fit in but I don’t get a fukin chance
u wanna fuk up ur life then fine
but please just stop fukin up mine
from where ur sittin my life don’t matter
theres nothing wrong to you
you dunno wats happenin in ma hed
how do u no if im ok
one day I just wanna go ta bed and neva get up
my lifes just a load of fukin ****