Also - to Robert and Nick:
We had, back then, a few? other categories that added two things together - art and photography, for example. I tend to think of photography as art, but I see why that was chosen in the first place, to help people know what of the old group of forums to post in. Now I just use the more specific term, photography, and then might mention particular people, or exhibit, whatever.
On the whole filter thing, I'm probably only going want to filter Lovatts and riddles, and probably a few more categories that I'm confident I won't want to read, until that sunny day in the future when I suddenly become interested. (It's conceivable, as I used to do the NYT xword puzzle religiously.) Am I clear that you cannot look at All Topics and just filter a few specific categories? (I'd better reread the thread..) It looks like I should then pick My Topics, and add back those I might want to see that had been cut/demoted because of my thumbing history.
On matters like religion, philosophy, politics, I do a lot of thumbing, and I'll have to figure out, as filtering methods develop, how I might filter, my interest having more to do with level of argument or debate than the category itself. I'll stick to the thumbs business on those for now.
I'll play with all this for a bunch of weeks, and report back re any difficulties. I may end up not filtering.
I'll also have to play with the tracking thing some more to see what best fits my needs. Will be glad to have an alternative; even if I don't use the alternative, I see the need for others.
Robert, is there any way to keep the posts in the regular old chronological order and just have the NEW show up as it is now?
By the way, I'm delighted to see
Nick posting again (and as always, thanks for your work).