Were any of you able to watch the debate that wasn't a debate at Rooty Hill (what a name for a place!) last night?
I wasn't able to, not having access to
Sky. I'd imagine most other people didn't have access to this non-debate, either, for the same reason. But anyway, from what I can gather from my media reading today, Julia Gillard (in a separate session to Abbott) sat on a chair & answered questions, while Tony Abbott got down there with his audience, spoke with them eye to eye & was a clear winner for doing so. He "played room like a Stradivarius"! (I so wish I'd seen that!
Then, when one of the (carefully selected by Sky) as supposedly a yet uncommitted swinging voter in the audience, was exposed as a known Liberal supporter (who had declared himself as such as a
Big Brother participant in the past) Sky said they'd investigate the allegations.
One wonders how many of the other "undecided/swinging" voters, supposedly
carefully chosen by Sky in the audience were in the same boat as this fellow?
And our "respectable" press dutifully reported it all, as if it was all above board!
(sigh) I swear I am not making any of this up!
But, you know, I'm starting to wonder if our media commentators are mugs. Simply reporting what they are fed, as if it is the truth. Who knows what the reality of this situation actually was? Why couldn't Sky have organized a
real debate between Abbott & Gillard? Now
that would have been interesting!