No! No changing the size of anything. Then you'd have to start making new stuff.
Here's another change that might help:
no stoppages of time. If a player is on the writhing in pain, **** him, if he can't get up his team can send out two guys with a stretcher, but NO stopping the play. Any ball which hits the stretcher or the stretcher bearers in still in play.
5 second rule: you have 5 seconds from the time the referee indicates play on to take a free kick or a corner kick. Referees can use their judgment as to when the time starts but they should yell out 5-4- 3- 2 -1 Failure to take the kick in the alloted time results in the other team being given the same 5 seconds to kick the ball back into play.
Here's a fun game we weren't supposed to play, but did. Remember EarthBall? No one does. It was awful. The EarthBall was huge, like six feet in circumference. The 'game' was to have all the people playing keep it in the air a long time. Yea~! No points, just everybody having a good time helping each other keep the ball in the air. It was played in a big circle in the middle of a football field. (sigh)(Earthball wasn't a lot of fun)
Here's what was: Chaos Ball.
After the councilors left for their lunch we played Chaos Ball.
We had about thirty kids and an EarthBall. We decided to play whoever could get the Earthball to go out of bounds of the football field would get a point. No teams. Every man for himself.
That was amazing because one person could really couldn't move the damned thing, so you had all these little groups form in the middle of the field and then C H A O S !
The thing of it was you had to watch everybody. You and two guys would get the thing close to the sidelines (out of bounds is out of bounds, sidelines, goal lines, both counted.) when somebody else would try to punch it out ahead of you. Who ever touched the ball last got the point. So you tried to make sure you were in on the final push.
No clock, no time limit, no referees.
The scores were like Joe, Kev, Tom- 2, Mike, Ed,Phil,Cranky and Little Stevie - 1, everybody else - nothing.
The dynamics were fun to watch. Once
you had some points, everybody would start working against you, so then the guys who had points would start to gang up together EXCEPT they all knew that whoever touched the ball last would score. It was the Mafia on grass. You had six guys trying to get the ball to a line and then, just before crossing, start knocking everybody out of the way. Tripping? Legal.
Flying elbow? Not a problem.
Big foot in my face? As long as my hand is still pushing this ball I don't care.
There weren't any disputes about who touched it last because there were about twenty five witnesses to every play.
No little kids were allowed.
We played Chaos Ball everyday for about a week until some little kid squealed.
Joe(I ate about a pound of dirt that week.)Nation