Nasa-funded study: industrial civilization headed for 'irreversible collapse'?
This article says the elites are shielded but I don't think Marie Antoinette was shielded from attack in the French Revolution.
Muammar Gaddafi was not shielded from attack in the recent revolution in Libya either. Neither was Saddam and his sons.
What is the most pressing issue that could facilitate a collapse?
Is it quality water? Is it agriculture?
Or is it a constant destruction of the earth by industry?
I think the latter is the greatest of concern and this is why regulations are vital. The last scenario, destruction by industry is 'permanent' collapse.
Who is overseeing this destruction? Universities? Government agencies? United world efforts?
I don't 'think any of these agencies are doing enough and industry surely is not regulating itself. Especially when profit is of utmost concern. They will sell you a gun even if there is a chance you will shoot them with it.
Sadly it will be their own people who the elites have armed for a profit with these fast supply NRA guns that will more likely be turned on the elites. While the liberals stand back and watch the greedfest.
I care not to speculate who the last tea party member standing will be.
Mich McConnell holding up a rifle in one hand and gold coins in the other?.
Charleston Heston up in heaven would be so proud.
Why would the republican mob fight the democrats, we don't have the money???
No they would turn on themselves.
Goobers, illiterates, inbred, polygamist Jesus freaks (average teaparty members) playing Meatloaf's, Bat Out Of Hell on the cassette deck and headed for the banks and mansions armed to the tee, collecting tolls like robbing hood, pirates along the way..
It seems it is the unregulated militias of satan worshipers and racists, NRA's finest who are the elites greatest fear.
Unregulated industry and militias are probably the greatest concerns.
It seems odd that the elites are all for arming the populace.
It is no less ironic as were Marie Antoinette to say, "Supply them guillotines!".
Arm the mob! (Cynical)
Warren Buffet already said he would not mind paying taxes but congressional republicans would rather he not pay taxes.
Perhaps Hollywood should make a film of this and maybe the teaparty might reconsider the NRA, clockwork orange, path they are on.