PIZZA FOR YOUR TROUBLES: Chevron just doesn't seem to get it. The company, which made $21 BILLION dollars in profits last year, offered each household in rural Pennsylvania one free pizza after a massive fracking well explosion killed one worker and burned for five days straight, releasing unknown amounts of toxics into the air.
Even before the deadly explosion last Tuesday, neighbors have complained of polluted drinking water, strange odors, sick pets and livestock, headaches, nausea and rashes. Chevron seems to think that a free large pizza and a 2-liter soda will help their PR troubles go away. Let's help them realize their mistake by sharing this news far and wide! (You can check out our interactive map of all "fraccidents" in the US here:
Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> What should Chevron have offered instead of pizza to affected residents of the massive explosion?