BillRM wrote:
Quote:If there were not so many, err, naysayers... Solar panels on the roof of a house can capture exactly the surface area needed (in sunny locations) to put a sufficient charge in a motor vehicle and allow it to run for at least an hour or two plus providing surplus energy for a home.
A house roof is not the same as a car roof however the cost of the "free" electric from those cells are going to be greater by far then the cost of getting non-free electric off the grid.
I had purchase solar cell panels and purchase/install the other hardware that is needed to get useful power out of them.
They are a little cheaper then runnig a small generator but they do not compare to the cost of just taking the power off the grid.
The problem with all of your arguments of cost effectiveness is that we are going to run out of oil, coal and natural gas eventually. We will never run out of wind and sunlight.
I am reminded of Isac Asimov who once wrote in one of his books something to the effect of. "Crude oil should be the match that lights the lamp and not the fuel within the lamp."
How much energy does it take to transport oil to the US then to refine it then to transport it to our motor vehicles?
Because the infrastructure is in place does not mean it should be perpetual.
I really enjoy conversing with you when I wrote "haha" I meant it as something to be cheery or lighten up my argument and so as not to seem being sarcastic.
Letting the earth's hands (wind) to and the sun's arms (sunlight) to provide us energy is to me better than bleeding the earth's blood.
These are my own thoughts. I liken this to Easter island, The islanders cut down all of the trees on the island in order to move massive stones from the quarries to their upright positions. Inadvertently, once the trees were gone the islanders became landlocked and were unable to even build a single boat to explore other parts of the earth. Eventually the wooden boats of the Spanish came to their shores many years later. If we squander our nonrenewable resources on moving our cars around we will no longer be able to build a spaceship to explore our universe...
This echoes back to Isac Asimov.
With your wind example yes, we use resources to build wind farms just as we do to transport and transport oil to then again transport the gas, but in the end we have "clean" energy that is not constantly tapping our oil and metal supplies. As technology is refined and recycled it can become much more efficient (as solar cells have)
Also the wind farms and sun collection will not emit toxins into our environment which will pose a future clean up effort on a scale unprecedented in our time.
The side effects of adding CO2 to our environment is a gargantuan clean up task as compared to a few truck moving around on a highway building wind farms.
I am reminded also of a story written (I think) in Readers Digest many years ago.
It was about a king who lived in a land where it never snowed. One evening the king awoke to a blanket of snow covering the castle and all the lands as far as the eye could see.
The king called his advisers who lived in the castle and reasoned with them. He reasoned that this miracle was not to be walked upon as to destroy it before it could be analyzed by the court alchemists. So the king proposed that he send a courier out to each farm and alert each household event the remote ones not to walk on the snow.
His court advisers thought and replied to the king that the the courier would leave footprints in the snow if they were to be sent out to so many destinations. The king then thought he would have four men carry each courier...
My own thought:
Had they had cell phones each citizen could have been text messaged.
Consider that a text message is likened to wind energy where the courier is likened to the energy derived by fossil fuels. The deeper we delve into fossil fuel energy i.e. more invasive ways to retrieve oil, natural gas and coal etc... the more we deface and trample the earth. In the end we wind up with more people carrying the couriers. If we cut down the coal mountains we may not even have the wind to harness considering the curvature of the earth facilitates the wind. And what kind of apparatus will we need to build to remove the CO2 from our air? Will it far eclipse the effort needed to build wind farms?