@A Lyn Fei,
Hi A Lyn,
As I see it "Everything" is one thing. But in many parts. Each part is essential to the whole. If any given part ceases to exist - The whole ceases to exist.
I am one part of the whole - I have no delusions as to the fact that I will live and die, or that my sentience will cease upon death. The earth will keep turning, the sun will burn out, the universe will eventually be reduced to no more than its base ingredients, but, I believe that all things will re-occur, an infinite amount of times, both similarly and dissimilarly. When, if I'm correct, my sentience is reignited, I will not be aware of A) The period of non-sentience. B) Anything I was not aware of as a prior version of me.
If I am incorrect, none of it matters, and it wont affect me because I wont exist ever again. This doesn't bother me either, but if I can't use my imagination to explore the potential possibilities, I might as well just spend the rest of my life amusing myself to death.
Hex is gonna get a kick out of this one.