jeeprs wrote:
but this is absurd, art, for how could atheism exist without something to deny?
Forget the word "atheist" for a second and think about what an atheist is: A skeptic.
Right now you are an "aryzherist." You don't believe in the idea of a "ryzher." A ryzher is a concept I just made up in my head right now. It doesn't matter that my creation of this concept (whatever it is) came after your initial state. What matters is that your state didn't change, mine did. You aren't rebelling against the idea of a ryzher.
So lets say that a ryzher is a real number defined such that...
where n-m=!0;
This would mean that a ryzher would exist between 1! and 2!. This is nonsense. Now, rejecting that such a thing as a ryzher doesn't define you as much as it would define me if I believed that ryzhers did exist.
jeeprs wrote:
And I see your type of atheism, which is after all hardly a rare or exotic outlook amongst the secular intelligentsia, exactly as a reactionary movement against mainly Protestant dogmatism.
Because you say so.
jeeprs wrote:
This is why secularism is so much like the religion it is reacting against.
Perhaps you'd like to contribute to my thread about my new hobby:
Not collecting stamps.
While the secular-religion meme is popular, it is like saying that bald is a hair color.
jeeprs wrote:
If you were completely indifferent to the idea of God, you would never have started this conversation, would not be persisting with it, and would have nothing to say on the matter.
Because you say so.
Who said I was indifferent on the topic of deities? I said I've not been presented a cogent argument for one, not that I am "indifferent" or don't care.
Aside from that, I started this thread specifically because a poster here on a2K was stating their opinion on why atheist's exist. Their opinion was radically divorced from my experience and projected views upon me which I didn't have. I stated as much, and the poster said they would be interested in hearing my reasons. It's as simple as that.
jeeprs wrote:
So how could it not be reactionary?
Note the title of the thread. I put great intention in it.
The title is not "why I became an atheist," but instead "A failure to convince me that any gods exist." I didn't decide gods weren't real, I realized that I was never convinced that any were ever real.
Perhaps cliche, but the god-placebo analogy here would apply that one day I stopped taking the pills not because they weren't working, but because I realized I wasn't ever sick to begin with. The placebo was always unnecessary, even when I thought they were what was keeping me well and free. Quite contrary, the habit kept me in mental bondage.