@Night Ripper,
Night Ripper wrote:That's hilarious! It's not that any of those things are wrong, it's just that they haven't worked out.
Once again, you misrepresent the reasoning you're arguing against. To Utilitarians, "these things"---slavery etc---
are wrong. And the reason they're wrong is that they haven't worked out, to put it mildly. By what reasoning do
you arrive at the conclusion that slavery is wrong? And on the subject of putting it mildly, why do you always downplay or assume away the suffering caused by slavery, rape, and all those other atrocities you brought up?
Night Ripper wrote:If 78 million Germans would be happier with the death of 6 million Jews then why would you oppose it?
As a consequent Utilitarian, I wouldn't---but only if the 78 million Germans would be happier by a large enough margin to pay fair value for those 6 million Jewish lives. By the rationale I gave earlier, this calculates to $5 million times 6 million lives equals $30 trillion---about 10 times today's German GDP. Even Hitler didn't hate the Jews
that much, let alone the average German. Indeed, the premise of your question, that 78 million Germans would be happier with the death of 6 million Jews, is just another example of your garbage-in, garbage-out problem.