Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 07:48 pm
The third time in two days I've seen Arbitron on my tel id, one time waking me up, I answered it, and then went into a period of impoliteness. I am on the not call list, which many calls can get through nonetheless. Thank goodness I finally sprang for tel id.

Is there some reason Arbitron can breach that?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 5 • Views: 3,276 • Replies: 27
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Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 07:54 pm
I don't know them, but anyone with whom you have had business has a free pass. So do political and charitable organizations. I seem to be on the list for every deputy sheriff's organization in the contiguous forty-eight.
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Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 08:08 pm
I too am on the "do not call" list. Lately, nonetheless, I have been getting spam calls. I have noticed lately that, in the past, where I would get few spam calls, I am now getting more. I think that it has to do with the economy. I get a lot of calls from air conditioning firms that want to sell me a service policy. I very nicely tell these people that I am on the list, and to please lose my number.
Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 08:12 pm
Quick story which some of you may have heard before. When I was 19, an adorable young man talked me into buying $75- worth of magazines. In those days $75- was a lot of money, especially for a kid of 19.

Anyway, I consider that $75- money well spent. Since then, no one can sell me ANYTHING that I am not looking for myself.
Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 08:17 pm
I'm a bitch on wheels re my telephone. I get that some calls can pass the barriers, but Arbitron? Of course, when I did answer I just railed at the poor woman on the phone. Luv a duck, do I have to compose a letter?
Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 08:20 pm
I think arbitron is some kind of tv ratings system. I don't even have a tv. This is three days now. I may have to gear up to complain.
Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 08:37 pm
They do radio audience ratings surveys. Your household was probably selected to participate in one of their surveys and they'll keep calling until they hear you tell them to stop calling. They were relentless in the Sacramento area. The only way I got rid of them was to move to ABQ.
Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 08:46 pm
Oh, no.... In Sacramento, when I knew people, maybe I could possibly have had an effect, but here, I am a dumkopf.

Isn't this illegal?
Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 08:54 pm
Telemarketers work on a rating system. If you say anything at all apart from hello you get a point. the more you say the more points you get.
Telemarketers pay attention to the points system believing that the more points you have the easier it will be to talk you into purchasing. Its only a matter of finding the right angle.

How to deal with telemrketers
Telemarketers are the phone systems trolls. Deal with them in exactly the same manner you would (or should) an internet troll.
Dont say anything at all. Just hang up.
Dont say "I'm not interested". dont politely say "no thank you"
Dont abuse, rail or otherwise vent.
pretty soon your call rate will go down and you will drop off the list of potentials.
Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 08:59 pm
Honey, I never say hello.
Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 08:59 pm
You could do what I did and make some money off of it. Agree to participate in the diary survey where they send you a booklet to track your radio listening for 24/7 and then ask you to return the booklet to them. Each time they send a mailing to you, they slip a dollar bill in the envelope as a thank you and incentive to participate. One summer I probably made $10 off of them between "losing" the booklet and "forgetting" to return it to them until almost a month after the deadline. I kept getting replacements and reminders and postage-paid return envelopes, each with a buck in them.

They finally got wise and stopped bothering me for the rest of the year...then it started up again the next.
Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 09:00 pm
No chance that I would do that.
Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 09:04 pm
Really, is this company ok for promotion on new mexico phones?
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Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 09:07 pm
Sacramento is one of the top 10 test market areas in the country. The frequency and quantify of marketing, survey, political campaign calls and junk mail gets very bothersome.

Between them and the wrong number calls I got, it was a very rare occasion when I actually answered the phone. Most times I kept it shut off so all calls went to my voice mail unless you gave me a heads up to expect a call. I grew to hate the telephone (and still do).
Reply Fri 18 Jun, 2010 09:12 pm
But when I was in CA, I knew some sharp people on many issues and they would have listened, although they would have understood with my first sentences. Here, I'm just more sand. I don't have any sense that people here would listen.
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Reply Sat 19 Jun, 2010 06:35 pm
The calls I hate are the "automated" type calls, with the mechanical voice.
Reply Sat 19 Jun, 2010 06:37 pm
Reply Sat 19 Jun, 2010 06:43 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Quick story which some of you may have heard before. When I was 19, an adorable young man talked me into buying $75- worth of magazines. In those days $75- was a lot of money, especially for a kid of 19.

Anyway, I consider that $75- money well spent. Since then, no one can sell me ANYTHING that I am not looking for myself.
When I was 11, some of my property was stolen by a kid whom I was persuaded to trust, against my better judgment.

I decided never to trust ANYONE with more than I am willing to lose.
That kid tawt me a valuable lesson.

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Reply Sat 19 Jun, 2010 07:16 pm
I should have added, I get your point, dadpad.
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Reply Sat 19 Jun, 2010 07:22 pm
I have had probably a hundred calls re someone with my last name owing money. For almost two years I just suffered while snarling. I'd only had that kind of thing once, twenty years before, and a mistake. Finally I got into calling them back and saying I am not Jane or James or Jeffrey or John, just to get them to f.k stop. This is all not so jolly as I'm low on money myself. The tapes they play vary, some being obnoxious in the extreme, and some creamy friendly. May they all die drowning in piss.
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