As I never understand anything you say, I might as well fire away at random in the hope that I might hit something.
I don't think there are any such thing as 'abstract objects' (any more than 'spiritual substance' or 'a being called God'). Numbers, (and forms, and ratios) are not objects at all, but are attributes of the way everything is related. Ratio does not exist, but it is real. Matter exists, but is real only insofar as it is 'given form' (i.e. made rational). Things are only rational insofar as they instantiate the forms and relationships that we are able to represent by way of mathematics and logic. They are only real insofar as they are realizable, and they are only realizable if they are intelligible. So matter itself, although it exists, is the least real level of existence. The only reason anything exists as an object, and the only reason we are able to scrutinize it, is because it has been given form, and we have been given (=evolved) reason. In itself, matter causes nothing and does nothing. It is completely inert and only intelligible because of the emanation of the formless mind that literally 'informs' all of existence (although 'formless mind' should never be mistaken for something or re-ified. All we will ever know are the
ratios, not the source of the order.)
Now I guess that nobody accept this is because we are all materialists nowadays, and I really don't know if it is true. But it makes sense, whether it is true or not. According to this view, we think that the
least real type of thing is the only reality. This is why nothing makes sense. But this philosophy proposes that the solution to all of it is completely obvious, and that is, that
matter is unreal.