Wed 16 Jun, 2010 08:53 am
I posted a little while ago about my ex not giving me his address. He finally did that, after I thought I'd have to go through the attorneys. But he hasn't giving me the daycare info yet. Its frustrating because I' like to know where my daughters going to be going. In the past, it hasn't been this hard. Shes leaving on the 1st for a month, and time is going by fast. I'd like to take her to visit the school to meet her teacher, and introduce myself.
The court order says we both have rights to: receive info concerning the health, education and welfare; to concur with the other parent before making a decision concerning the health, education and welfare; access to medical, dental psychological and educational records; to consult with school officials, (including school activities); to be designated on any records in case of a emergncy.
So my question is: do I have the right to know what daycare shes going to, before she has to attend? What about visting her at the daycare? In cases where parents are civil I know they'd allow it. But he likes to be in control, and I'd like to know if I can legally visit and know about the school.
In the past, IF he gives me the daycare info, he refuses to let me visit, and threatens me with the police.
Please call your attorney.
Thanks, I tried to visitation hotline then called my lawyer. Yes he does need to notify me of the daycare, and I have every right to visit, just not take her out. If he threatens me with the police again, my lawyer and his lawyer will deal with it