prothero;158137 wrote:"Is Government the Success or Failure of Man?"
Well it is both isn't it?
"The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse."
"If all men were angels there would be no need for government" James Madison
"Nothing appears more surprising to those who consider affairs with a philosophical eye, than the ease with which the many are governed by the few".
- David Hume, First Principles of Government
"Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried".
- Winston Churchill
Let us take Africe for a start. A Large country geographically, rich in natural resources and in human resources. Possibly the poorest area making the least progress in the entire world. Why? Bad government for the most part. You can blame it on colonialism and exploitation but the truth is ethnic strife, instability, and violence (all symptoms of ineffective and bad government). The failure of man.
Countries which have adopted representative forms of government and at least partially market driven economies on the other hand have flourished in comparison. Gernerating wealth, stable governments, internal security and improved freedoms, choices and lifestyles for their populations. The choice should be clear on the basis of experience.
There are still those who espose everything should be equal and everything should be fair. A state of conditions which is not compatible with human nature or with the state of nature itself. The best one can hope for is equality of opportunity and the meeting of the most basic of human requirements. Using government to make everything equall, fair and safe requires such intrusive management of the society as to constitute tyranny itself.
As you said, Government is power, and to date, that has been because most power has been alienated from the people and government has been some sort of ruling of them... I have just been reading about the twelve Caesars and what is remarkable is that a guy like Augustus could leave the Empire such a mess, and that his rule could be so imperminent when he had such control over events, and played the Senate like a game of Chess...He could not do it alone... He had to cut knights in as never before, and freedmen; and even the Senators who he weeded out occasionally like a garden...In the process he did like the Eastern potentates and made himself a God, as Julius had done before him and with more success...It was no wonder people were encouraged to devote themselves to his Genius... And yet, were his powers absolute he could not have managed better the problems the vast differences that wealth and status made for him...
A people ruling themselves, using government to heal their differences, and to foresee problems and react with alacrity to them would have had an easier time of it...Such true governments, self rule have the cure for injustice always at hand in that equality with which no democracy can long endure...
Great disparities of wealth doomed the democracy of the Senate, and of the whole people, whom it corrupted...Consider even, that Augustus whittled down the Senate from a thousand to six hundred when our country with far greater population does not have in the Senate and the house that many members...How can we invest such power in so few without inviting corruption??? And this corruption, which the people share puts government in a headlock, and keeps it far from the legitimate goals it has set for itself, and more than that,, it averts its eyes from the future, so that it can only react to what is past, and not to what lies ahead...It is because no political equality is possible when economic equality has went by the boards...
People are equal by identity, since within our identity we are all different by degrees, and unless economic equality is forced, no political equality will remain, and though this is difficult, it may be done, and it has been done, by social agreement and organization...
The only technology that primitives had that was superior to our own was government, self government, and social control... They would not let wealth destroy their unity and cohesion; and until people began to raid, and to hold their wealth from their societies by force of arms, the unity and safety of the people was assured... To protect peace, wealth had to be protected, and when wealth had the protection justice once enjoyed, there was no more justice, and wealth and government became the property of the few, and so those societies were splendid, and already destroyed from within...Their life became only a matter of historical moments...
It was not only Augustus who left a legacy of impermanence, but the whole people, and were it not for a legacy of megalythic structures meant to demonstrate their invincibility and immortality, we would know little about them... Everything about Rome said we are here forever, and they were already doomed...