@amist: While etherguant is chasing a less snide meaning for "ilk", you can look up "nescience" that so aptly describes your knowledge of the Objectivist politics. And while you're at it, grasp the difference between "egoism" and "egotism". Then fathom the fact that the "power" of economic incentives is the antonym of the "power" of physical force.
Rand's unique brand of radical laissez-faire capitalism was derived as a logical consequence of her commitment to an egoist ethics that is a direct consequence of recognizing that man by nature survives and thrives solely via the application of his reason to his actions in the service of life. Since the freedom to do that can only be infringed on by physical force, governments need only one assignment - to remove physical force from human interrelationships by guaranteeing that
No person may initiate the use of physical force or threat thereof to gain, withhold, or destroy any tangible or intangible value owned by another person who created it or acquired it in a voluntary exchange.
That is to say, that all human interrelationships shall be voluntarily entered into. That is to say also, that no one can contradict this principle without implicitly justifying the use of physical coercion to take values from some persons by force in order to give them to others - a position that is the politics of statism and the morality of thieves.