Omeo;148776 wrote:Can we be saved before we destroy ourselves?
P.S: Can anyone recommend any good readings on this? Thanks.
A very interesting issue indeed.
Personally i do not believe anymore that we are about to eliminate ourselves. Even though we have the potential to do so and we even might, i think it's more likely that we cause a devastating desaster that actually reduces the number of humans to a minimum which however is enough to start of with a whole new civilization.
Hopefully it's not going to be like in H.G. Wells' Time Machine, just kidding.
But really, the feeling of being part of the last generation to live on earth seems to be something like an archetype - there have been prophets claiming the end of the world for thousands of years. The idea seems to be somewhat tempting on a subconscious level, that's why i try to resist it (even though my world view is normally very pessimistic).
Back to your question.
I am not precisely as optimistic as e.g. Kurtzweil but i guess in the long run most features will become real more or less the way he predicts it.
Maybe not so soon but, yes we will connect our neurons to machines that increase our information processing capacity enormously.
We will access the vocabulary of any language as if we had learned every single word and we will solve highly complex equations without even knowing how that works.
At least a part of us will, because honestly i believe all of this will only be affordable for those who hold the capital.
Problem is that a high IQ does not create a mature personality.
Isn't it interesting how you find all political orientations when you look at highly intellectual people? You have everything from right extremes to left extremes.
Honestly i do not believe anymore that intelligence is a key to get a clear understanding of the world and how it works.
If political understanding is a question of intelligence than how can it be that the most intelligent people (i am NOT talking about politicians) do not find a conensus but actually are fighting each other as passionately as is done at the bottom?
Today i think someones political orientation is based on his personality which is formed in the first 6 years of his life, making him a more extro- or introverted person, more open minded or more holding on to given values, more ego or more social, etc.
Personality however is certainly a topic of its own.
Anyway there have always been intelligent monsters like Dr. Mengele, some of them killing cold blooded and others thrilled by seeing other humans' torture.
An IQ of 1000 will change the means of killing but not human nature.
A book (or story) that i would like to recommend is 'Golem XIV' by Stanislaw Lem. It's certainly one of the most sophisticated novels about the question of evolution in a technological context, analyzing the problem scientifically as well as philosophically and adding the characteristic pinch of humour.