infrablue, thanx for the 2 good links from frontline. I really like that show.
I read the first link and bookmarked the 2nd.
Seeker, The Jew did not believe Jesus was their Messiah. A simple explanation would be that they thought their Messiah would come with his kingdom in tow. They failed to see his message of forgiveness, peace and love and healing. Jesus was crucified at their demand, but he would have been crucified whatever town he came to.
Crusades, Jihad and Crucifixion... What's the difference again? Oh, that's right... the name.
Smiley wrote:Jesus Shmesus. Let's talk about God instead of religion.
Actually, although I understand what you are attempting to say, I don't think it is possible to "talk about God"...or more exactly, to talk about gods...without religion.
My children, listen to me. I am your god. You must do my bidding. If I continue on like this, at least one of you will start hearing voices and become my minion, or at least those were the odds my bookie gave me, and then spread my words to the masses. I was sent to Earth to unite all the religions, and teach everyone to play volleyball instead of waging holy wars. Listen to me, listen and be saved....
cavfancier wrote:My children, listen to me. I am your god. You must do my bidding. If I continue on like this, at least one of you will start hearing voices and become my minion, or at least those were the odds my bookie gave me, and then spread my words to the masses. I was sent to Earth to unite all the religions, and teach everyone to play volleyball instead of waging holy wars. Listen to me, listen and be saved....
There were loads of teachers around at the time of Jesus, so we're told. Wouldn't it take something special to make so many people listen? I mean, people stand in the streets today talking about God and they don't have thousands of people sitting down to watch them, do they?
What, are you saying there's nothing special about volleyball, Seeker, or sarcasm? I would agree with you on one point, it sure would take something special in today's world.
Seeker wrote:
There were loads of teachers around at the time of Jesus, so we're told. Wouldn't it take something special to make so many people listen? I mean, people stand in the streets today talking about God and they don't have thousands of people sitting down to watch them, do they?

This could be attributable to charisma as well. I don't think I need to make a list of unsavory characters in history that nonetheless developed quite a following. There can be little doubt about whether Jesus was something special though, not necessarily, anything but human.
So who's it gonna be for messiah, Tony Robbins, Tom Wu, Miss Cleo, or Madonna, who copped a Catholic name?
"Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there!"
Hi Seeker, In parables Jesus referred to himself as the shepherd. And he talked of the people as sheep. It is not a mystery why some listen when they do. They have opened their heart and mind and have humbled themselves. They have arrived at a point where they are willing to obey and accept. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father, and I lay down my life for the sheep. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
Once a person accepts what they are hearing and believe and get baptised the Holy Spirit comes to the person further giving proof to the things you have heard and things you want to know, it teaches you and guides you and comforts.
I don't think you really need religion to get the 'message'. At the same time, I would never put anyone down for getting the 'message' in their own personal way, provided they don't force it on others.
cavfancier. I believe a person can get the message without religion. Religion can teach some important things but without the Holy Spirit to help you learn there is many things a person would accept through that religion that are not true.
Ruach, I half agree with what you are saying, but please elaborate on your perception of the Holy Spirit and the Trinity before I answer. Also, what is your favourite kind of pie?
Ruach wrote:cavfancier. I believe a person can get the message without religion. Religion can teach some important things but without the Holy Spirit to help you learn there is many things a person would accept through that religion that are not true.
And maybe nothing religions teach is true!
We really do not know.
cavfancier, The Holy spirit gives testimony that Jesus is God. It leads a person with peace and it is subtil and clear. It gives the believer understanding. Not the understanding of things that the world calls wisdom but understanding of spiritual things. Spiritual things, of forgiveness and love, peace and humility. It seals a believer so they keep their eye on Jesus and dismisses falsehoods. Since the Holy Spirit is ever present it prompts a person to be peaceful and hopeful of the promises of Jesus. It builds the faith of a person as that person continues through their life and is forced to go on in a world gone mad. The HS prompts a person to avoid temptations and evils. And as each trial becomes the past, the faith of that person is confirmed, because when involved in the trial, it is the HS that speaks and encourages, gives hope. The HS is also pure in thought and incorruptible, always it remains faithful and true.
Your question was a good one and I hope the answer was a good one too.
What kind of pie do I like best? Well, apple of course, then blueberry, then pecan , and the crust has to be flakey and tasty. Yum yum. :wink:
I call it something different Ruach, something personal, but I hear you. If I make you a maple-chocolate-pecan pie with a flaky crust, will you become my first minion?'m..drooooling
maple-chocolate-pecan pie with a flaky crust
ssshh, YEsss :wink:
back to the topic ((humbug))
Quote:I call it something different Ruach, something personal, but I hear you
Yes it is very personal this HS. but not a secret.
Ruach, the non-personal phrase I might use for what you describe as the 'Holy Spirit' might be an inherent recognition of our human collective consciousness, and the basic goodness in all people. That and noticing more similarities between us all than differences.
So you see the good in people before you see the bad.
I see both the good and the bad at the same time.