kennethamy;156084 wrote:Res ipse loquitur. (It speaks for itself).
My female cousin, Mabel is not the same person as me. I think she would resent your saying so (in any sense). Why do you say things you know to be untrue?
Read the whole post... How are people classified??? By their, genus,, their species, by their nations, by their Gens, by their phylums, which is your relationship with Mabel, by their famillies, and by their sexes... Did I leave anything out, because in each case, like is pared by like, the same with same... We, with our individual consciousness, and individual philosophy are trained to see ourselves as unique, but consider that the study of ethics was based upon custom, or character, which each person got from his group, and it was by ones group that one was judged, and not by the laws of strangers...What is ethical is what your nation does, and nothing more, and each person stands for his group...If you cannot say what morals are it is not likely you can say what virtues are...You do not stand for your family, for your family honor or virtue, and it is for this very reason that so many people see us as immoral...It is impossible for the individual to be moral...Courage is beyond us, as is virtue...
So you have told me you are alike with Mabel, and then you deny you are the same... You are not exactly the same, but you share a formal relationship with her, a common phylum...You are not so much saying what I say is untrue, but denying the validity of all of Western Philosophy's method of natural classification... If we are considered as human, we are the same... If any of the virtues are considered as virtues they are the same...
Only when we compare qualities under identities can their differences be relevant... And identitites are always equalities... All lines are the same, so we can compare them to determine length... We cannot apples with oranges because they are not the same... I did not say mabel was the same person any more than I said courage was honor... They must both be the same, as virtues, and their difference from other virtues is not so significant as to make them something other than a virtue...The difference is of quality, and not of kind...
To say every virtue is identical is not to say every virtue is equal...