Craig states that for an explanation to be best, it does not have to have a given explanation of an explanation in order to prove that explanation as best, seen in this
video, as a response to the popular question "Who designed the Designer?"
I regard this as complete bull. We explain things through science, Craig attempts to manipulate this old-age question and of course does not directly answer it. Craig tries to circumvent this question by saying nothing in life can be explained but by God only will we see the "truth," who is basically the great "Explainer." What I would love is to see Craig explain who created God, not some circular logic.
For example, Craig says that for every given explanation, another explanation would be required to explain that explanation.
"Why is David sad today?"
"His mother died."
"Why did his mother die?"
"She had lung cancer."
"Why did she have lung cancer?"
"She was a smoker."
"Why was she a smoker?"
"She experienced frequent depressions."
"Why did she experience such?"
"Because..." etc and etc, which is what Craig points out. Of course, this is just ad hoc, but I regard it nonetheless as complete bull. Unless Craig can EXPLAIN why God would NOT require an explanation, I will not believe anything more this sophist says.
Your thoughts on this issue?