Thank you for the posts,
twirlip and
jeeprs. I will try to address all your points in this post, so this is hopefully in answer to what has so far arisen.
is has something to do with this idea of
intelligibility, an
a priori condition of understanding. It is our intelligibility which makes things make sense to us.
This intelligibility isn't a property because nothing could be intelligible without a whole set of holistic, interconnected features which must begin even before we are born, but start to take form on birth- such as our reaching out, picking up, smelling, touching, squeezing, putting into our mouths, watching, which develop into our coping skills, activities and practices. Somehow, we eventually have this capacity to make sense of things to us.
Intelligibility is the background to all and everything we do. It doesn't have to be thought about, although it can be. It is pre-cognitive. I just happened to walk through the door-way without thinking about it and without understanding the door as a door, picked up a fork without having to contemplate what exactly I was doing, talked to people facing them and in Spanish and didn't have to think about the grammar or why I faced them in that way, and I didn't walk to work backwards today. It just happened - intelligibly.
It is this kind of intelligibility we throw against the world. It is on the basis of which all other types of cognition takes place. It is the fundamental background from which anything makes sense. It is an understanding of our world but one that doesn't need theoretical concepts nor hypotheses to be 'understood' and seems to be the precondition for any type of practical or cognitive behaviour.
I'm sure I'm way of making sense here...But let's go on,
I can't understand the notion of
ontologically prior to humans, because humans are the ontological condition, that is, ontology can only rise from humans. We generate, disclose, produce the modes of being. I'm sure newts do ontology, but I just don't know about it, so all I can say is that we provide the intelligibility, we already-always understand the way of being and we demonstrate this by our coping skills, our way of going about the world, taking up things and manifesting the kind of being it is through our practices. And all this we can do without having to stare and contemplate - although we can do and then we generate another kind of being, say that of subjects with predicates etc. The only way I conceive this fundamental intelligibility breaking down is that something has gone wrong with the world or with the brain.
This isn't saying that the being of entities depend on us, just that the ontological understandings of the being of these entities will do.
We provide the intelligibility, we are the ontological condition, and so, for example, on notions of gods, of Platonic forms-ideas, or numbers, I just cannot conceive how these things can be anything other than all too human anthropocentric constructions of intelligibility at a cognitive, theoretical level of understanding.
I hope I have been able to answer you all. If not please let me know.