Here is a clip from one of Barthe's essay on Fourier
Quote:The area of Need is Politics, the area of Desire is what Fourier calls Domestics. Fourier has chosen Domestics over Politics, he has constructed a domestic utopia (but can a utopia be otherwise? can a utopia ever be political? isn't politics: every language less one, that of Desire? In May 1968, there was a proposal to one of the groups that were spontaneously formed at the Sorbonne to study Domestic Utopias - they were obviously thinking of Fourier; tow which the reply was made that the expression was too "studied" ergo "bourgeois", politics is what forecloses desire, save to achieve it in the form of neurosis: political neurosis or, more exactly: the neurosis of politicisizing.)
The "less one" language is Fourier's. But didn't Fourier have a point? The domestic, the family has been focused on by many as an object of study. But Fourier focused on the domestic as the locus of praxis.
The domestic / political is of course something akin to the private / public but I think thinking in terms of domestic/political opens up the realm of discourse a bit if for no other reason than the talk that employs terms "private" and "public" has already ossified into a cliche gridlock.
Marx considered the domestic realm to be determined by the mode of production and the mode of production as such is a political phenomenon. For example the bourgeois family unit is the result of, and held in place by the capitalist mode of production and not the other way around. So by this Marx limits discourse about social change ultimately to the public or political realm. For the Marxist the domestic is an illusion, a construction of the current mode of production. Class consciousness is a political consciousness first and a domestic consciousness, if at all, only second. Thus Marx spoke of revolution in terms of the political i.e. the dictatorship of the proletariat and the eventual withering away of the state.
Fourier took a different approach. Fourier set aside the political completely and focused on the domestic. Fourier's phalansteries are domestic units rather than political classes. Both Marx and Fourier thought society was poorly organized but Fourier focused on the ways that the domestic organization represses and corrupts desire.
The praxis that stems from domestic or family consciousness is very different from the praxis that stems from political or class consciousness. One might even speak of a dialectic of the family. The family evolves. Our consciousness of what family means evolves.
For some the domestic is still just the bourgeois family unit (the nuclear family) but for others the domestic is more inclusive... family includes friends co-workers and neighbors that is to say "community" and community is closer to family than it is to class.
Here's the idea in bumper sticker form:
Think domestically not politically.