What is prayer?
What is meditation?
Do I do it?
Is it done to me?
Do I recognise it?
Does it recognise me?
How do I remember it?
Is it that can be forgot?
Dose it come or does it go?
Where does it come form?
Where is it going?
From me or from you?
Is it all hidden?
Is it all show?
For me or for you?
What is prayer?
What is meditation?
How do I do?
Is it done?
Where did it go?
When did I do it?
What was it for?
What did I do for it?
What did it do for me?
It is doing more?
It is an action?
Is it a consequence?
What does it do?
What does it do not?
Is it in the presence?
Is it good is it bad?
Is it ugly or is it just beautiful?
Or just as harmful?
Does it bring happy?
Take away the pain?
How can you see its?
Can I show you mine?
If you could show me yours?
Blind mans scratch and itch?
What is prayer?
What is meditation?
Does it give?
Does it take away?
Does it create?
Is it the creation?
Is it work?
Is it play?
Does it work?
Does it display?
For the whom who?
For God the devil or Bob?
Am I Bob?
Does it grant?
Does it rob?
Can you do it for yourself?
Must it be for all else?
Does it work for you?
Do you work for it?
What is prayer?
What is meditation?
Is it an action?
Is it an inaction?
Is it a cause?
Is it an effect?
Does it have a audience?
Does it play to the deaf?
Does it empty?
Does it fill?
Is it something?
Is it nothing but still?
What is prayer?
What is meditation?
Does it have an answer?
Is it a question?
Is it a knowing?
Is it a not at all?
An unknowing perhaps?
Prehaps not?
Perhaps to be remembered?
Prehaps to be forgot?
What is prayer?
What is meditation?
Does it have a answer?
Does it have a lie?
Can we share?
Can we hide?
Is it a gift?
Is it a debt?
Is it a freedom?
Is it a regret?
Is it for cure?
Is it for luck?
Eyes wide open?
Eyes wide shut?
Is it a mystery?
Is it a magic?
Is it a deviation?
Is it tragic?
Is it something more?
Is it something less?
Is it a joy?
Is it a distress?
Is it a rhyme?
Is it a reason?
Does it take time?
Does it give time back?
What does it do if it never was had?
What is prayer?
What is meditation?
Is it a letter sent?
Is it message received?
Does it get lost?
Meanings on a breeze?
What is prayer?
What is meditation?
I shall ask and then i shall leave.
---------- Post added 01-17-2010 at 04:14 AM ----------
Deckard;120345 wrote:What is the difference between prayer and meditation?
To my understanding the main difference is that prayer requires some entityto hear the prayers while meditation requires no such listener. Furthermore, in the case of prayer, this listener is usually, if not always, supernatural, while meditation does not require (though does not exclude) anything supernatural.
(didn't leave for long enough though did I
I was just wondering this myself recently heavily.
Prayer and meditation alike only require one mind to listen and one mind to hear.
I would not say a deity needs to do either unless you yourself are that deity.
Both are practices of the divine communion we wish to have.
And one must commune with the self first and last before you can hope to be part of a community.
One is directed outward one is directed inward, but both start and end in the same place.
You answer yourself or you are answered, either way you in both cases are the seeker and finder.
Seeking and you are found, found and you are seeking?
Do they seek different things from different things?
The question always starts with you asking.
It is your longing to understand or to influence.
And the answer is always heard by the same.
Are you heard or do you hear?
Either one does not matter when you are the giver and the receiver.
---------- Post added 01-17-2010 at 04:45 AM ----------
Deckard;120352 wrote:That is a good point. Prayer requires that the one praying believes that there is such an entity. Actually, "Believes" is too strong a word, sometimes the one praying only hopes or posits that there is such an entity. I would even go so far as to say that in some cases the one praying only pretends that there is such and entity. If the one praying only pretends that there is such an entity does that necessarily make the prayer itself pretend i.e. not a prayer at all?
Entity is state as much as place to my mind, so when i meditate i am joining heavenly compound, just as when i pray i am trying to reach the same place.
The letter sorting office of heaven, the astral plane both to me are still waiting for divine intervention asking for it, both are still waiting for a reply. Both still a truth is sought.
Sometimes if not most times we hold the answers for we hold a part of GOd if not just by being close to God, it is all about listening in a place and state that is quiet so we can first hear our own voices. Both cases we are asking something, asking for a truth. Some people dont trust their own judgement, but we will all always know when we find an answer, self recognised or not doe snot matter because we have found what we were looking for. WE ask and answer our selves all the time, these two are just descriptions of that place and the vehicle in which we drive is still the self and still self inspiration and solution and interpretation. Just because one is presumed to be trying to contact different things, it is the questions and answers we seek that are the same, divine inspiration will always be a gift, where it comes from does not matter it is the outcome and the conclusion the self receives. We are trying to have an effect upon our lives through the divine, still means we are looking for an effect and the reason for taking the journey in the first place is still to arrive at the same place, same outcome enlightenment.
Is it the reason or is it the outcome?
If there is any pretence you are not going to find anything but more lies which originate from the ego and self delusion usually thinkimg one is brighter than God instead of at least being steady and sure and waiting for the responce. We are still that which is reached. The final destination.
You cant lie to yourself and get away with it. You cant forge an experience or responce.
God speaks with Gods voice to very few people if ever because God voice is Word. Hearing yourself is the best way to know that something is truth, just takes training to do so, because we are sadly trained to lie, to apparently survive life we still do it to oursleves, but you will never find an answer if it a lie, only you can tell the difference.
Meditation and prayer alike recondition yourself from a liar to a truth sayer.
You cant cheat the divine, and i'm not sure you can ever really cheat yourself, waste of time trying and you reach nothing and nowhere.
You cant be answered if you dont ask for a truth.
---------- Post added 01-17-2010 at 04:56 AM ----------
kennethamy;120377 wrote:Yes. "Meditate" can be both. But I don't see how "to pray" can be intransitive. Can you just pray without praying to anyone? (For what it is worth, I think that etymologically, "to pray" is to ask. And can you ask without asking anyone?)
Both are actions of and upon the self first, they both come from the same place and both end up there, you are either answered or you are not, but it is you doing the asking and the questions reach first that which asks them.
The outcome is and answer and both end in the same place, the self person who is looking for the solution.
Both are exercises, both move the same body first.