The TLP is probably the greatest foolosophy of the 20th century? Written in the trenches of its first world war? And negative theology utterly immune to science?
6.432 How things are in the world is a matter of complete indifference
for what is higher. God does not reveal himself in the world.
6.4312 Not only is there no guarantee of the temporal immortality of the
human soul, that is to say of its eternal survival after death; but, in
any case, this assumption completely fails to accomplish the purpose
for which it has always been intended. Or is some riddle solved by my
surviving for ever? Is not this eternal life itself as much of a riddle
as our present life? The solution of the riddle of life in space and
time lies outside space and time. (It is certainly not the solution of
any problems of natural science that is required.)
His concern is clear. Metaphysics. Ontology. His answer is the absence of this answer. He scratches the itch with the itch.
6.45 To view the world sub specie aeterni is to view it as a whole--a
limited whole. Feeling the world as a limited whole--it is this that is
Oneness is whole, but not itself limited. Only negative oneness is a limited whole, containing both of our primary thoughts: identity and negation. Negation is the same as addition. Number is a two dimensional spectrum. Either side is up as long as one is consistent. If all positive numbers are switched with all negative numbers, nothing changes.
Zero remains an absurdity, which mathematicians are still unable to divide by. Because one is the only number, and we only have one operator we can apply to it. The other operators are derivative. This includes the decimal point and positional notation.
6.4 All propositions are of equal value.
6.421 It is clear that ethics cannot be put into words. Ethics is
transcendental. (Ethics and aesthetics are one and the same.)
6.423 It is impossible to speak about the will in so far as it is
the subject of ethical attributes. And the will as a phenomenon is of
interest only to psychology.
The world of the happy man is a different one from that
of the unhappy man.