hi there craven, is it possible to do this mod before you install it, like a have a pre-modded version on your machine, then if you came to installing many boards than you could have this version always ready to install multiple times.
Also, if you had many board run on your webspace coming from one domain, would there be any problems with google spidering them????
also in regards to this:
MOD Title: phpBB static URLs mod_rewrite 1.0.0
## MOD Author: Craven de Kere (N/A)
## MOD Description: This mod should be added AFTER the Able2Know.com SEO mod
## This mod makes static URLs (only for guests) for phpBB, for example topic-22234.html
Does this mean it needs to be added once you have submiited your url to search engines and it is been spidered on can you do it before.
Much appreciate for this mod, it sounds superb and i think i may just be ready to utilises my site to it's full potential!!