@mister kitten,
mister kitten;133135 wrote:The middle one is old, revised and disposable!!!!!!! That's the only one I didn't pay as much attention to :whistling:
The last poem is my favourite. It gave me shivers as I read.
I can't offer any professional criticism because I don't know how and I couldn't attempt to feign some knowledge of professional criticism because the night hasn't met my dreams yet (the time is 2:35).
ma, bravo!!
The middle one sertainly is disposable (not that anything actually is), i dont much like it truth be told but then i didn't much like the program which inspired it.
Yes the last one is my favourite as well,
Not looking for professional looking for Your critisim.
You said you liked it, that is a knowledge is a knowing, now i need you to tell me what you liked and know about it, what it conjured for you and what if anything you would change, a word, a line, a format.
You dont have to be good at something to critisize it, you dont even have to be good at critisim, i welcome any thoughts as long as they are yours or you have taken possession of some one elses.
Thanks for your praise i apreciate it but perhaps sadistically i would prefer you didn't and told me why.