Ibredd wrote:The facts are that the Church leaders are terrified of the 10 commandments as they teach right the opposite of what is stated there, so if you hold up the 10 commandments to church people they will flee...
You are a liar. There is no Christian church in the country that teaches its membership to worship other gods, make idols, blaspheme, forget the Sabbath, dishonor their parents, murder, commit adultery, steal, lie, and covet.
Ibredd wrote:AS noted above I have placed this situation in other forums and no one from any church has been able to step forword say yes there is a copy of the 10 commandments, the 10. version as noted above displayed in my church.
My church does not have a stone monument with the ten commandments, but they are depicted in one of the stained glass windows and are posted prominently in Sunday school classrooms.
Ibredd wrote:No where in America is there a Church leader giving a series of studies on the 10 commandments nor is there any such sermon notes in any preachers files whre he has given such a series. So yes the Judge was wrongly accused!.
A web search for "ten commandments study group" returned 61,000 hits, including ongoing Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant church study groups, and I have personally heard sermons on them.
The Judge was rightfully accused.