Sat 2 Jan, 2010 08:52 pm
(I did not know where to put this thread, because reductionism is not something that is restricted to just the mind or just science, it is almost a formula or philosophy concept all of its own rather than having a subject of which it reduces, so here in 'Mind' i have put it, using more the example of reductionism as mental process, as a Mind procession with folded eyes)
What has been the effect of reductionism upon the world or human psyche?
(For ill or for good?)
This my answer comes from an old answer newly revised.
The effect is simplification.
Besides the first point that reductionism tries to make clear (or once did), this new formation (reformation) of reductionism has been to reduce everything to its basic form or matter and there in by finding the purest or more easily understandable explanation to anything. Understanding anything can be simplified.
Again noble in its first design/desire, then comes the backlash of the form of reductionism as a proliferate, as available, as availed to all and used by those who shoul dknow better, (once did) therein spreading their 'inference' influence or symptom further abroad to the masses, for it is not infection as it is derivative/bastardisation from the original design/desire of the form and now practiced (now is). Inference like ambiguity pretends to say much with no substance or even given insight but what is offered, we must make it up for ourselves and add more to what we see as insight by way of the ambiguous. We have to finsh the prayer.
It has reduced language by means of example, of advertisement to a form that is no longer viable, no longer expressive, no longer fruitful, no longer inspirational, no longer viable, no longer alive is reductionism at is worst inference.
Clinical speech given to bouts of misuse, misinformation and misguided 'buzz' articulation, no longer a conversation merely vomited information only of dictation.
None so far as to say inspiration.
We can no longer talk as people must to form the connection that tells them they are that people, that htey are listened to, that they are not alone, not in anyway that actually inspires a reasoned inquired inventive responce.
Of course we still talk but we no longer communicate as a platform for the expansion that language was built up for in the first place. This has left us with no way to be understood or to understand anyhting that is not condensed to a form that does nothing for the minds appetite/imagination, to expand, broaden, exercise and grow spread, invigor.
Coming to a resolution, coming to an understanding, coming instead to nothing new.
'Whatever' Now no longer there for the mind to understand or be understood, we have no way to describe our selves and experiences and have found that this has not only damaged our appreciation of things but has turned us inward trying to naturally find the answers from an inside that is a starving realisation of ourselves, that has no way to even communicate with ones self, and the breath is lost.
We will find that in the coming of time and of things that we will see in our society and selves less and less that which are/is actually trained in what and how to search for things and to be found these things and more that what we once held so easily and proudly as our inquisition our seeking natures has simply been trained out or forgotten, worse still 'forsaken' for the 'buzz'.
It is the death of a language that has served and serviced us and we had at our best nurtured it and welcomed it.
The development of our language no longer a growth with many variation and dialect and accent and possibilities has been reduced to the sum of its parts, it has been cropped, the garden of our development has been fenced in, and as with anyhting that is not just engineered to grow but needs to flourish and breed and evolve and create new growth and newer varity of flora and fauna, new pastures to be wondered upon and at and appreciated and encouraged for its and our very survival.
Without the freedom to do such, the variety shall suffocate, it sahll wither and like the mind that is this garden it too shall perish.
You hear the cry 'it's all been done before' and all we can do is nod with heads low and not understand why we are agreeing, not why the tears are falling from our face.
Simpletondomnumbness without broader curriculum, experience and expression.
What has been the effect of reductionism upon your world or your human psyche?
(what has been your effect upon your self expression/expressing? to spread seek further? to have someone ask of you and you give more than is required? do you expand or contract? do you give one word answers? do you know all there is to offer so why bother express? where there could be a thousand flowers and surprises of your own variation for all to share, with, not just for the sake?)
@sometime sun,
The effect of reductionism is that everything seems smaller, like when you look through binoculars the wrong way...
The truth is always simple you know...Falshood always hides behind complexity...You will never understand this, but everything is more complicated than the Bible divided by a Rubics cube....Not... Everything just is what it is...
Fido;116536 wrote:The effect of reductionism is that everything seems smaller, like when you look through binoculars the wrong way...
The truth is always simple you know...Falshood always hides behind complexity...You will never understand this, but everything is more complicated than the Bible divided by a Rubics cube....Not... Everything just is what it is...
Yes but our relationship to this knowledge should and could and should again be enterprise should be something looking forward, something of growth and bounty, something of expression and the expressive, something of a truth that is known more deeply for it is able to be experienced through its descriptive. It is not merely a flower, it is a daffodil, it is a symbol, it is an action, it is an event, it is a gift and as always it is an message of appreciation of experience.
The truth i am saying here and now should not be simple but for those who are simple. For those of us to be able to appreciate truth should therein and about find and show its variation its bloom and tint and scent.
Dont just buy a flower, we kiss the daffodil.
Dont just feed me a truth, let me be able by expression be the expressor of truth.
Let my truth hold more beauty therefore making it something worth knowing and growing from.
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;116556 wrote:Yes but our relationship to this knowledge should and could and should again be enterprise should be something looking forward, something of growth and bounty, something of expression and the expressive, something of a truth that is known more deeply for it is able to be experienced through its descriptive. It is not merely a flower, it is a daffodil, it is a symbol, it is an action, it is an event, it is a gift and as always it is an message of appreciation of experience.
The truth i am saying here and now should not be simple but for those who are simple. For those of us to be able to appreciate truth should therein and about find and show its variation its bloom and tint and scent.
Dont just buy a flower, we kiss the daffodil.
Dont just feed me a truth, let me be able by expression be the expressor of truth.
Let my truth hold more beauty therefore making it something worth knowing and growing from.
Nonsense...All knowledge is abstraction, and abstraction is just the essentials...Just the facts, ma'am... The more frosting you put on your forms the less truth they tell...
We dont believe unless we experience and reveal the truth ourselves.
You can tell someone a truth and they wont know it is a truth unless you describe it to them, unlesss you make a conection to their mind and heart and reason needs a reason needs an example needs the abstraction.
You only regurgitate a truth, you need to help people swallow to feed them to make them full and know they have eaten something and better know what they have swallowed something truthful.
So there:)
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;116584 wrote:Fido;
We dont believe unless we experience and reveal the truth ourselves.
You can tell someone a truth and they wont know it is a truth unless you describe it to them, unlesss you make a conection to their mind and heart and reason needs a reason needs an example needs the abstraction.
You only regurgitate a truth, you need to help people swallow to feed them to make them full and know they have eaten something and better know what they have swallowed something truthful.
So there:)
Belief is not the object of philosophy; but its failure...
Fido;116616 wrote:Belief is not the object of philosophy; but its failure...
And you believe that?
you were shown or led or encouraged to that conclusion to that truth, the conclusion is not what led you to the discovery understanding of said truth.
You cant just wake up and know something, you cant just wake up and believe something, something needs to have put you to bed and tucked you in and given you reason to rise and ask and find truth in the morning.
Cold hard data does not encourage the self into knowing truth and experiencing it, living it, being it, believing it, we must do all of these things in order to trust the data in the first place.
If it doesn't make a picture it will be forgotten or just not be remembered.
Belief is to believe is to trust is to know.
Belief is not just a religious word or meaning.
Perhaps you mean 'conversion' is not the object of philosophy?
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;116665 wrote:And you believe that?
you were shown or led or encouraged to that conclusion to that truth, the conclusion is not what led you to the discovery understanding of said truth.
You cant just wake up and know something, you cant just wake up and believe something, something needs to have put you to bed and tucked you in and given you reason to rise and ask and find truth in the morning.
Cold hard data does not encourage the self into knowing truth and experiencing it, living it, being it, believing it, we must do all of these things in order to trust the data in the first place.
If it doesn't make a picture it will be forgotten or just not be remembered.
Belief is to believe is to trust is to know.
Belief is not just a religious word or meaning.
Perhaps you mean 'conversion' is not the object of philosophy?
It is not belief... I know that; and I also know that it is the goal to of philosophy to find what facts we can say without hesitation: This I know..
We know things long before we know we know them; and there is nothing metaphysical in the fact...Children accumulate a great deal before they have the essential grasp of identity, or conservation...Before that time they have the syllogism as the only form of logic, which is only useful as the beginning of catagorization, as a early attempt at definition and recognition...Even the principal of conservation is likely to be unconscious for them, as it was to me, for most of my life...It still works in the unconscious; but it must be some where...
If you want to draw out human knowledge to the point where it rests upon belief; that point is not hard to find... Yet if we would live in this world, we must admit certain knowledge may be had concerning it which is essential to survival, and since we must know it to survive, and do survive, in fact, then we do know it, truth...Life is truth...So what; if for most of us that knowledge is practical, and not abstract???Abstract knowledge is the most difficult to prove, and the most easily confused with faith...It must touch on reality some place to have reasoned faith in it...But the difference is that faith need touch on reality very little, and yet may still be faith... Even abstract knowledge must correspond to reality in ways that can be verified...