What is your Soul?

Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 04:03 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;114603 wrote:
Hi in my opinion the soul and mind are different words describing the same non-material ethereal part of our being

Alan to differentiate the mind and the soul (if there is difference) can I use this example that covers my thoughts on if there is a difference, and what the difference is in uncomplicated terms.

Consider that the mind is a car and the soul the navman, and the car can go anywhere the navman has in its programmer. Animals certainly have a car but the car has a preset navman and the cars capability of going to places other than the direction of the preset navman is negligible, the car is made for highway running and the navman has only the routes of the highways programmed in it.

Humans have the car and the navman but our car is a 4x4 and our navman has the highway routes plus off road programming. Our car can go to places that do not exist for the animal's car because their navman is limited. My reasoning to the existence of further programming to our navman is that the cars we and animals use are biologically identical, and the cars size is not the issue given many mammals have larger cars than we do. Their cars evolved over the same period as ours so evolutionary time was also at their disposal, but their cars and navman are not the same as ours and the "thing" that instigates this differential is what we identify as the soul...........or not, it's all conjecture.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 09:17 pm
@sometime sun,
Not a part of our being... They are both reflections of our spiritual consciousness which extends to all things... We conceive of all things spiritually... Concepts are not the thing, but the spirit of the thing, its definition, if you will...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Dec, 2009 08:58 pm
@sometime sun,
Your souls belong to Saturn. I bring not pizza but a gourd.
0 Replies
sometime sun
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2009 02:44 pm
Psycobabble;114312 wrote:
You quite rightly point out that animals have no self doubt, and that point alone suggests to me that animal consciousness is a pedestrian survival mechanism, without a further level of consciousness that allows them to grasp the ethereal as we can.

We grasp at the ethereal as likened to grasping straws, we dont all have all of it. What if the animals dont ask for it because they have it, they are already conected and contented by this fact or lack as we call it because we dont have something we think we the superior because we see that we dont have it. Maybe they infact have more than we therefore dont need to look or ask for it?

Psycobabble;114312 wrote:

Some would argue that animals can exhibit selflessness, feel empathy and concern for others as we humans do, but I disagree with that. People have exampled to me the sharing of resource and selfless social interaction with pack or gene clan groups. I agree they look to act as if they are being selfless, but they are just filling their role in the survival of the gene pool.....
\yes this can often be our reflection of ourselves into other animations because they are similar (because we want to see us in them) they must experience it as we do, i agree they probably do not but it is only a probably it is not for sure as i am still unsure if animals feel fear as we do. What doe san animla run from when being hunted, is it a hell or merely an anding they dont want? Why do we treat animals better than we treat ourselves but for the fact we hope they are appreciative more so than we know humans do lack.
But again who is to say they dont have a better grasp upon the grateful they just dont think it is needed to be celebrated because it is something that should as soul come naturally, we are the unatural not because of our soul but because we doubt it and question it and try to (re) capture it?
Psycobabble;114312 wrote:

While animals will drive off members of their own species if not a direct relative.

Because they know they dont have it to give does not mean they are without it altogether? we are as much about the survival of our family before the breed.
Psycobabble;114312 wrote:

So the morality I attribute to the soul to my mind comes from our ability to discern right from wrong and the free will to make judgments.

Judgements needed because something is lost inorder for it to be bad in the firts place, do you see what i mean?
Psycobabble;114312 wrote:

They have evolved as we have, why did evolution leave them with a consciousness that understands nothing except their present environment?
Becasue they do not wish to leave, they are at home inthemselves, we have to be able to sell ours after we leave it behind.Smile
Psycobabble;114312 wrote:

and why is it not biologically evident...we have looked but found nothing remarkable in regard to ourselves and animals.
we are without as much as why we say we have more. We got lucky or we were cursed.

Psycobabble;114312 wrote:

Luckily our forefathers had been able to make value judgments on the suspension of morality for survivals sake in the past, and I am sure we will make it again.
When it comes to survival does our soul go out the window?

Psycobabble;114312 wrote:

Sadly having the consciousness we have matched with opposing digits has made us king of the hill, but take heart because it won't last.
No it wont last, we may grow more or we may chop them all off:)

Thank you
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2009 08:31 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;115366 wrote:
We grasp at the ethereal as likened to grasping straws, we dont all have all of it. What if the animals dont ask for it because they have it, they are already conected and contented by this fact or lack as we call it because we dont have something we think we the superior because we see that we dont have it. Maybe they infact have more than we therefore dont need to look or ask for it.

Sometime, happy new year to you and yours.
There is certainly some merit to your thoughts on other living creatures hiding their talents under a bushel. Sort of like "Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" where the mice ran earth and they were actually running experiments on the researchers and scientists that were using the mice in their research and experiments. Although I believe that any creature that has the cognizance of the human brain would display it.

\yes this can often be our reflection of ourselves into other animations because they are similar (because we want to see us in them) they must experience it as we do, i agree they probably do not but it is only a probably it is not for sure as i am still unsure if animals feel fear as we do. What doe san animla run from when being hunted, is it a hell or merely an anding they dont want? Why do we treat animals better than we treat ourselves but for the fact we hope they are appreciative more so than we know humans do lack.

Some valid points in that lot, do we treat animals better than we do other humans because we understand that other than in the displayed behaviour of these animals there is no other hidden agendas to their actions, as there are with human's actions. My niece has a pet rabbit and she complains that the rabbit does not react to her as her dog would. It does not come to her when called; it seems not to understand that there is a relationship between the child and the rabbit. I told her the rabbit is friendly and accepts her as a non aggressor but that is all you are going to get from the rabbits brain and not to be angry with the rabbit as the rabbit is giving as much as it can in this relationship. She still thinks the rabbit should know better because of the affection she shows it, I tell her the rabbit is giving all it's got to give and she should accept it. The only solace my niece has is that the rabbit freaks if any of her little friends try to pet it, so she should accept that the rabbit has formed a bond with her as best as it can, but it will never be a dog and display the tendencies that has caused dogs to be called our best friends.

But again who is to say they dont have a better grasp upon the grateful they just dont think it is needed to be celebrated because it is something that should as soul come naturally, we are the unatural not because of our soul but because we doubt it and question it and try to (re) capture it?

As you said earlier our expectation foisted on the animals. But I believe they can not reciprocate in a humanistic way.

Because they know they dont have it to give does not mean they are without it altogether? we are as much about the survival of our family before the breed.

Yes you are correct we all protect our immediate gene pool first, but if the choice arose of survival of the species as opposed to the clan humans would go for the former because one outcome means the demise of the species and the other just the demise of the family unit. Animals can not perceive the difference they are programmed for the immediate not the ongoing.

Judgements needed because something is lost inorder for it to be bad in the firts place, do you see what i mean?
Becasue they do not wish to leave, they are at home inthemselves, we have to be able to sell ours after we leave it behind.Smile

we are without as much as why we say we have more. We got lucky or we were cursed.

Sometime, expand on this as I do not get the drift.

---------- Post added 12-30-2009 at 12:33 PM ----------

Reconstructo;115162 wrote:
Your souls belong to Saturn. I bring not pizza but a gourd.

What....Pepsi and no pizza....whats the use of that.
Alan McDougall
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2009 10:47 pm
Source author unknown

The soul consists of several different types of energy. These are Abstract Spiritual (unity),Concrete Spiritual (intuitive),Abstract Mental (philosophical),Concrete Mental (perceptive),Upper Emotional (love),Lower Emotional (Anger),Sexual (sexuality), Physical (competency).

To become a complete person each of these energies and areas must be fully developed through intense effort and the generation of that particular type of energy. This process is mechanical and cumulative in nature. Once a specific type of energy is fully developed an astral body is created out of that energy and the powers of that energy are available.
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 02:19 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;115455 wrote:
Source author unknown

The soul consists of several different types of energy. These are Abstract Spiritual (unity),Concrete Spiritual (intuitive),Abstract Mental (philosophical),Concrete Mental (perceptive),Upper Emotional (love),Lower Emotional (Anger),Sexual (sexuality), Physical (competency).

To become a complete person each of these energies and areas must be fully developed through intense effort and the generation of that particular type of energy. This process is mechanical and cumulative in nature. Once a specific type of energy is fully developed an astral body is created out of that energy and the powers of that energy are available.

RELATED DOCUMENTShttp://info.bahai.org/images/nav/arr.gif[SIZE=-2]The Soul [/SIZE]http://info.bahai.org/images/nav/arr.gif[SIZE=-2]The Human Soul [/SIZE]http://info.bahai.org/images/nav/arr.gif[SIZE=-2] [/SIZE]Asoul .
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 02:41 am
It would seem the soul is somehow connected to freedom. To lose ones soul or sell ones soul to the devil implies being bonded to the devil as a servant or slave. It means to become the devils property. The mark of the beast on the forehead or hand is usually understood to be a mark of slavery. In fact in Biblical times slave masters (those pieces of sh--) would tattoo their slaves on the forehead or hand to indicate their ownership. Same thing done by slave masters (those pieces of sh--) in the south when we had slavery in the US. So I'd say ones soul is ones freedom since it seems to be used in the same way as the word freedom is used. And the devil is the mother of all slave masters (i.e. an a--h---).

See John 8:36 for more info.

Oh, and I'm sorry to any actual pieces of sh-- and a--h----s for comparing slave masters and the devil to them.
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 03:43 am
Deckard;115501 wrote:
It would seem the soul is somehow connected to freedom. To lose ones soul or sell ones soul to the devil implies being bonded to the devil as a servant or slave. It means to become the devils property. The mark of the beast on the forehead or hand is usually understood to be a mark of slavery. In fact in Biblical times slave masters (those pieces of sh--) would tattoo their slaves on the forehead or hand to indicate their ownership. Same thing done by slave masters (those pieces of sh--) in the south when we had slavery in the US. So I'd say ones soul is ones freedom since it seems to be used in the same way as the word freedom is used. And the devil is the mother of all slave masters (i.e. an a--h---).

See John 8:36 for more info.

Oh, and I'm sorry to any actual pieces of sh-- and a--h----s for comparing slave masters and the devil to them.

If we understand the soul is a commodity, it must be eternal. What use does the devil have for a mortal life, the devil requires eternal slavery. So he ain't doing any deals for a life, he deals for the soul.
It does example the further than mortal status we place on ourselves.
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 04:03 am
>>>>>>>>>>>> soul = freedom <<<<<<<<<<<<
Alan McDougall
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 04:26 am
More about the soul!

The soul consists of several different types of energy. These are Abstract Spiritual (unity),Concrete Spiritual (intuitive),Abstract Mental (philosophical),Concrete Mental (perceptive),Upper Emotional (love),Lower Emotional (Anger),Sexual (sexuality), Physical (competency).

To become a complete person each of these energies and areas must be fully developed through intense effort and the generation of that particular type of energy. This process is mechanical and cumulative in nature. Once a specific type of energy is fully developed an astral body is created out of that energy and the powers of that energy are available.

Activity then progresses to the next level of development automatically.

In this respect the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path follow similar methods and strive toward a common goal. The common goal is the synthesis of all these energies into an integrated healthy individual with an immortal soul that will carry on beyond the death of the physical body.

The differences between these paths are profound. The Right Hand Path connects with spiritual energy and works from the top downward in mystical experiences or illuminations. It involves condensing spiritual energy gradually into physical energy. If you think about something long enough you will become emotional about it. If you become emotional enough about something you will be compelled to act upon those feelings. This describes the method used and includes prayer and meditation.

The Hallmark of the Right Hand Path is the integrity of the individual ego. You always remain yourself even though who you are may change drastically as you incorporate new beliefs and experiences. This path takes much longer and has difficulty with physical manifestations. Its focus is inner personal transformation and integration with the universe by adaptation.

The Left Hand Path connects with physical energy and works with physical competency upwards to the spiritual levels. The traditional martial arts are examples of this type of training.

The Hallmark of the Left Hand Path is physical manifestation through physical competency. You do what ever it takes to make things manifest even if those things go against your inner nature. There is always a sense of being compromised as you loose part of who you are to become who you want to be. The focus is to manifest physical change through acts of will.

At the highest levels a Master of the Right Hand Path will assist all students to become unique individuals. He will help them collectively through the formation of groups.

A Master of the Left Hand Path will choose one student to transfer his power to and at the death of his physical body will attempt to "possess" the physical body of his chosen student. He will form groups to find the appropriate vehicle.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 06:19 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;115455 wrote:
Source author unknown

The soul consists of several different types of energy. These are Abstract Spiritual (unity),Concrete Spiritual (intuitive),Abstract Mental (philosophical),Concrete Mental (perceptive),Upper Emotional (love),Lower Emotional (Anger),Sexual (sexuality), Physical (competency).

To become a complete person each of these energies and areas must be fully developed through intense effort and the generation of that particular type of energy. This process is mechanical and cumulative in nature. Once a specific type of energy is fully developed an astral body is created out of that energy and the powers of that energy are available.

Can I use it to recharge my phone because I am getting sick of the wall warts...
Alan McDougall
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 06:44 am
Fido;115527 wrote:
Can I use it to recharge my phone because I am getting sick of the wall warts...

It is true no one knows what energy "is" we just know what it "does".
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 08:58 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;115534 wrote:
It is true no one knows what energy "is" we just know what it "does".

Al; all that talk of energy of this sort only points to a mechanistic conception God and reality... You know there are forces at work that are not mechanical, don't you; like gravity, or electro magnatism???
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 09:20 am
Fido;115556 wrote:
Al; all that talk of energy of this sort only points to a mechanistic conception God and reality... You know there are forces at work that are not mechanical, don't you; like gravity, or electro magnatism???
But if we refer to the sacred texts of mechanical engineeringanism, we find that gravity and electromagnetism can be changed into mechanical energy. The sacred objects involved are things like turbines, motors, those water wheels that crush up corn into cornmeal. Sorry, I'm in a goofy mood today. Time to make the doughnuts.
0 Replies
sometime sun
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 05:58 pm
Deckard;115506 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> soul = freedom <<<<<<<<<<<<

A freedom with out price is a good one.Smile
Freedom which is free cannot be bought or sold for it is free freedom.
The devil cannot buy anything, we can only discard, give up, hand over, and even this i am not convinced of, how can something be free even if we want to give it away, it cannot else it would not be free in the first place.
Freedom means no possession, to be aware of ones freedom is to be in possession of the possession, you know you have it but there is little you can do with it but for what is its nature to be free.
Could be we dont own our soul just the body it is attached to.#
Our soul is not ours, it is souls. Freedom is freedoms.
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 06:51 pm
@sometime sun,
I believe the soul is the mind which is separate from the brain. The soul uses the physical brain as a tool which portrays the consciousness of the mind into the physical world. The soul also does not necessarily have to reside in the physical brain. Consciousness can occur outside of this physical tool. These are the things I believe.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 07:51 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;115714 wrote:
A freedom with out price is a good one.Smile
Freedom which is free cannot be bought or sold for it is free freedom.
The devil cannot buy anything, we can only discard, give up, hand over, and even this i am not convinced of, how can something be free even if we want to give it away, it cannot else it would not be free in the first place.
Freedom means no possession, to be aware of ones freedom is to be in possession of the possession, you know you have it but there is little you can do with it but for what is its nature to be free.
Could be we dont own our soul just the body it is attached to.#
Our soul is not ours, it is souls. Freedom is freedoms.

Freedom does not mean "no possession" Freedom means "not being possessed".

I realize I'm coming out of the blue with this and departing from more orthodox definitions. soul = freedom. I just really like the equation so I'm going to let it simmer for a while. soul = freedom. It just seems the words are interchangeable or at least with a little finagling.

Risking eternal soul Risking eternal freedom
Sell you soul to the devil Sell your freedom to the devil (become enslaved to the devil)
Truth will save your soul Truth will save your freedom (set you free)

If the soul is not freedom itself then I still insist that the soul is somehow inseparable from the concept of freedom.

Still I'm going to let it simmer for a while before I add anything else to it. Soul=freedom. In fact, I'm not really interested in defending the idea (though I do hope it is given some respect) I just felt like throwing it out there. It's a pragmatic definition. At the moment it seems work for me. This doesn't mean I am uninterested, or even opposed to, some of the other ideas on this thread.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 10:19 pm
@sometime sun,
How can people face the truth as the beginning who cannot face their death as the end???
Alan McDougall
Reply Fri 1 Jan, 2010 04:46 am
More about the soul!!

Alan McDougall

The Soul in relation to the Cosmic Mind

The brain is not the soul of mind, it is the hard drive, the processor of your mortal body. The mind download constantly onto the brain right up to death and a little beyond and that is why some of us remember events from a near death experience

The "the Soul" personalized is an infinitesimal part of God in man. Just as a drop of water from the ocean has all the ingredients in the ocean, this "the Soul" has all the powers of God.

However, just as a drop of water from the ocean does not make up the ocean, the "the Soul" of one person does not make up God's "the Soul". All the drops joined together become the ocean; all the "the Soul's in the universe together make up God's Cosmic Soul".

The Soul" is the source of all happiness, all misery, health, and disease, abundance and lack, riches and poverty, joy and sorrow. As the greatest

Our "Soul" is a microcosm and creates the macrocosm universe and more until it all consolidates into the godhead.

If you experience these things then you have an eternal soul, do you think a state of soullessness emptiness exists in you?

If you do you must and would die. By that I mean your physical body will die, because it is your soul or mind that sustains it as one harmonious organism

Like a laser beam, "the Soul" can focus its attention on the smallest atom or see the whole universe as if it is a speck. "The Soul" can become part of the environment and embrace the entire cosmos.

I know this is true, because when I died during my NDE I became god for a few wonderful inexplicable moments outside of linear time and space.

The speed of thought is more than the speed of light. In a millisecond, "the Soul" can reach the farthest galaxy, billions of light years away.

It is instantaneous and unlimited by space or time. For example, the precocious genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart said that he could hear a musical work as a single event and not successively.

What is thought what consciousness is??

What "the Soul" is and where it is situated has been debated for centuries. Rarely two philosophers agree on one definition or location for "the Soul".

Rene Descartes, French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician said that there is a total and absolute distinction between mental and material substance and that "the Soul" he said situated in the pineal gland. I disagree the soul is a quantum energy field hovering around our body, especially the head area near the brain and many see it as an aura

"The Soul" is non material and cannot become part of a material such as the brain, pineal gland or amygdala.

We can go through every nerve cell, analyze electrochemically, spectroscopically, mass-photographically, electronically, and, using all known tests, we will not find any indication of "the Soul".

There is no single location for the "the Soul". The human "the Soul" is distributed throughout the human body and its environment.

Every cell has its own "the Soul" and has the ability to function independently or jointly with all the cells of the body.

For example, a neuron is capable of deciding whether it will transmit information to another nerve cell and, if it will, to which one among the thousands of cells with which it is in contact.

Similarly, endocrine cells decide whether they will respond to a demand for a particular enzyme by cells in another far corner of the body.

Even sponge cells exhibit a similar capacity of awareness. When a piece of sponge is ground up and individual cells are suspended in solution, they will come together and become a complete sponge within a few hours.

This indicates that each cell has a "Soul" of its own to decide to combine with another sponge cell and with which of the thousands of cells floating in solution.

Just as each of the thousand pieces of a splintered mirror will show the same reflection of an object as the whole mirror, each cell reflects our "the Soul" and each cell in the universe we humans etc, reflects the Universal Soul called by us as God


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