Mon 14 Dec, 2009 03:39 am
Philosophy at Bristol
I thought I would share this with the forum as I find it this to be highly insightful, educational and rewarding. The Philosophy department at my University have agreed for the Professors to congregate together to discuss some of the most fundamental and profound questions within philosophy. Occasionally acclaimed guests appear in selected podcasts
Quote:Taking Science Seriously - Scientific versus alternative medicine
Podcast 001. This is our first podcast. It is mainly my rant against homeopathy, but it has bits about witchcraft and the anti-vaccination movement also.
What is in a Paradigm?
Podcast 002. Here I am talking about what Thomas Kuhn meant by a 'paradigm'. (Direct download/stream from
Dan Dennett - What does my body need ME for? The role of human intelligence
Podcast 003. This time it's Dan Dennett giving a public lecture in Bristol on 20 March 2009, as part of the conference in memory of Susan Hurley. Bristol City Council have made a video webcast available
here (you can also see Dan's slides there).
Science and Truth
Podcast 004. This is the first group podcast from Philosophy at Bristol. We discuss the nature of science, and whether science tells us the truth about the world. (Download/listen this podcast directly from
here )
Knowledge and Scepticism
Podcast 005. Our second group podcast, in which we talk about knowledge and scepticism. Do we really know many of the things we think we know? (Download/listen to this podcast directly from
Mind and Brain
Podcast 006. In this podcast we discuss the relationship between the mind and the brain, the body, and the world. Does the mind need a brain? For that matter, might it encompass more than the body? (Download/listen to this podcast directly from
Why Rousseau Matters
Podcast 007. This is Professor Chris Bertram's inaugural professorial lecture, on the importance of the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). (Download/listen to this podcast directly from
Plato on Love
Podcast 008. This podcast explores the philosophical origins of the idea of 'platonic love', with special guests Danielle Allen and Jessica Moss. We talk about Plato's views on love and how they relate to philosophy and 'the good'. (Download/listen this podcast directly from
Reason and Rationality
Podcast 009. With special guest Ralph Wedgwood, we discuss reason and what it is to be rational. (Download/listen to this podcast directly from