but are we talking about equal economic opportunities and material gain? those things ultimately arent really important, are they? at least i thought they werent the priority from the philosophical standpoint.
so true you speak, prothero-but what about the question of dignity and self respect? those things are harder to come by. for instance, in india i know the importance put on education-success and material gain, as well as height and white skin-all so very desirable in this part of the world. but i wonder why indian people dont see themselves as beautiful? and how can that be overcome? even when i tell them how americans spend gobs of money on tanning salons, they still want to be 'fair'.
how can an entire race or nation get beyond their own societally conceived notion of inferiority? if they cant do it on a national, racial or ethnic scale, how will they ever get to the individual issue? that is why the 'black is beautiful' movement back in the day was founded on what i believe is a good premise. i dont know how much good it did, maybe it only achieved a superficial change of attitude rather than anything ingrained. how long would it take to change that kind of thinking?