Mon 26 Apr, 2010 08:50 pm
I'm going to write some words, and these words, I really wish, will make a friend smile.
I'm embarrassed at this you'll soon see...I'm playing footsies with a wire. Not because I'm alone, but because if I don't how will I know where my foot is when I go to take a step or two. Blush. A smile-my intent, you've read. I've read too, too many words on other's beauty. My beauty, you, and you are one. One beautiful you. And my words aren't right right now because I've a tummy ache, but nonetheless, I don't digress...or at least no premeditation
the wire
is still coiling
around foot
Cowboys and trains...imagine, us. I call Jackie Chan, you can be Chuck Norris.
And I'm blushing
without pinched cheeks
Hey! think about face
we don't need those
other cheeks, streaks
to blush, we need a
blouse and a bosom
beating, beating
bump, bump,...etc.
beating love
because my heart
has found another
and they can
synchronize beats
so look at my cheeks
filled with blush
and the colour red, you said, hasn't been present for a while, so if my red is a little pale I apologize, you took me with surprise-and I never saw your eyes (I'd like to), while eating giraffes. I'm no hippo.
I'm a kitten, and this kitten needs a home because houses never last.
You can be my cat lady, but that's not all that I ask. I need you to love me back. I'll purr laying on back. And let my vibrations take you on a merry-go-around of passion. And my actions, they will be coming. Like bees flying around trees in a tremendous display of honey symphonies!
You're the best cat-nip ever.
We dance around avenues and streets pissing off taxi drivers. We will laugh. Dance, in a down pour! and we'll help the poor! and I'll memorize your pores! You have me mesmerized in adore. And a door, my door...I've given you the keys, sweetie. The keyhole unlocks my imagination...that same hole is the size of you.