The Courtyard at the Hospital in Arles.
I had a link but lost it in transition...
Osso has it precisely and exactly right!
Go, Osso!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Olga's Gallery strikes again.......
Okay, back in a minute. Think italy....
phew, that's all i want, pat on the back. take it down-town, osso!
Are we looking for a museum?
looking for a town, any town, you are there....
So, my question is... is this a statue displayed in or on the grounds of a museum?
Is it a free standing statue as opposed to part of a .... hmm let's say facade or part of a piece of architecture... (hey, it's late.)
Alas, these life sized guys are in a museum now.
fealola wrote:Is it a free standing statue as opposed to part of a .... hmm let's say facade or part of a piece of architecture... (hey, it's late.)
Did it used to be, anyway?
Is the museum in Europe?
They were part of something in Italy. Until I have a change of heart, most of my examples will be from italy.
Are we looking for the city of the museum or the city where they originally were?
My guess is Rome, Museo Capitolino, Piazza del Campidoglio.