@mister kitten,
Just a little bit of my thoughts
One should not compare instinct as it applies to what that is in human to what it is in animal. It matters not if we are animal or human without the proper care neither will survive.
We are not the same, though there is instinct in both animal and man. Instinct is that which the human can naturally adapt to that is unique to individual alone. Unlike the animal that automatically adopts the nature of the pack or what ever the group is called, their instinct has reached it's maturity. Ours has just begun and is a bit more complicated. Once ours has reached maturity, if that is the applicable word, then we, too, will be "human"; that group we are. The collective of all we are and a synergy will ensue of the likes that will be nothing less than "heavenly".
We mistake in the assumption that we are animal and subsequently excuse that feral behavior in man as genetic and a part of his innate being when there is evidence that is clear and assures there are real reasons why man resorts to that animalistic behavior. Stop treating man like an animal and I can assure you the behavior will stop also.
The only thing that makes sense to me is we are all alien to this planet we all call home. For what reasons we are here is not known. Perhaps we all play different instruments in god's orchestral universe and were meant to play beautiful music together? Like I have offered before as to our indoctrination and orientation, we are still tuning up. The animal is playing immaculately, we are not. We were meant to learn from our mistakes; not profit from them.
It can be conceived that we, the human, our group is still suffering from god's transition from what the wisdom of the Earth was before and learning what it is to be human. The devil is that transitional middle man and a part of that process. As long as we ignore the very common sense plausible assumption, the devil's horns sharpen and the flames rise higher indicated by our very own temperature and the tempers we display and consequences of what the heat of the moment instills.
There is no way we can possibly at this time create a handy little pill to fix us. There are just too many judgmental errors to track them all down. All we can do is allow life for all in such a way all will live life without having to pay a price to do so.
When we do this then we all can "take credit" for what will ensue rather than a single individual. For no one is the inventor. It took many to achieve anything. For instance many reward Thomas Edison for inventing the light bulb, but the facts are without Sir Humphrey Davy, William de la Rue, Frederick de Moleyns and Joseph Wilson Swan, Edison would not have what he did to make it work.
The same can be said of Christ and what he was doing in those 18 years of his life no one seems to know anything about, if indeed such a man did truly exist. What he espoused could have been the result of the thoughts of many great men? The same can be said of Buddha, Confusius, Marcus Aurelius, Epicurus, Plato, Aristotle and so on. Chronology gets very hazy over time. Hell, for the most part we have only been reading and writing for less than half a century; at least in such a way in which some could understand anyway.
All we need is trust, communication, cooperation and dare I say love of our fellow man? Oh, I know that is not the way things are and the oft quoted cliche is "that's life". I will agree it does seem that way now and always has. Does that mean it never could be? If I am at all correct, then this is not life. Not yet.
Freedom is a beautiful word and when man can be free what is instinctive to him will come automatically to him. When all are so free I think it will be truly amazing at what we can accomplish....together. Perhaps even miraculous. Hmmm?