I'm becoming increasingly convinced that if we go quietly into the dark night, if we do not resist (and I'm
not talking about signs and petitions, those days are done) it's over. I think some elements of the elite want chaos, as it provides an opportunity to accelerate the program. But, there are also risks in chaos, there's a lot of uncertainty. I think you can see where I'm going; I won't actually say it. So, you see the problem? Organizing doesn't mean handing out pamphlets. It involves much greater certainty on the organizer's part about the likelihood that his enterprise will succeed. Otherwise, it's his head.
EDIT: Let me say this. If the states were to unite, more or less unanimously, against the new power of the federal government, hold a formal convention, and simply refuse to comply with federal law, the tide might turn. Short of that, I see no way of halting, let alone reversing, the course we've taken through legal, peaceful means. National elections, national parties, are a joke. There is no way of changing in time the establishment, the only hope would be to use a part of the establishment against the rest, as the founders intended. The states are our last bulwark against tyranny. And I frankly wouldn't count on them, state sovereignty has been eroding for a century and half..but I hope I'm wrong.