richrf;67496 wrote:Sounds rather boring, but if that's the way you want to see your life, that's the way you want to see it. But, I try to make it a little more exciting (evidence).
I don't see myself controlling myself or others, or any other things. Just setting course, moving in a certain direction (like a sailor) and navigating through the waves of life. I believe it is easy to understand oneself, if you just observe what is around you. We are all navigating, as our skills allow.
I agree with all that. But I certainly don't find it
boring I find it very interesting (which is why I created this thread) - that implication may be there fore you, the way I phrased it - but not for me.
I was merely trying to explain how there's no reason to think
I can control my own brain when this "I" that I am thinking with is of course, my brain. And it's just controlled by the chemicals.
Yes I could put a 'more positive spin on it' but I don't see it as a negative thing. I'm not going to put on 'rose-tinted spectacles' - I'm going to embrace reality and
that is what
I personally find very uplifting.
I'm just saying that I know of no evidence that it's anything other than that. You can colour it in a more poetic way, or put it differently - I just wanted to make my point as clear as I can.
There's no evidence of 'free will' other than evitability (or avoidability) reedom in that sense.
Possible futures aren't all inevitable, some are avoidable, some are evitable.
The future however, is inevitable by definition. As Dennett says, to paraphrase - the future is what's gonna happen. You can't avoid that whether i'ts determined or not - there's gonna be a future, that's inevitiable.
And also when he speaks of how people say (to paraphrase again): ' "You can't change the past but you
can change the future!" - Oh really? From what to what? From what's 'gonna happen' to what's not gonna happen? The future is what's going to happen, you can't change that. You can avoid possible futures because you have freedom - but whether this is a deterministic universe or indeterministic universe, whether the universe is determined or not
the future, itself - is inevitable. There's gonna be a future, you can't avoid that. It's unavoidable (which is what inevitable
means of course - unavoidable).
If you want to know how I myself am doing...I am doing great, I have been very happy lately and increasingly so...one could say - even exponetional.
I don't need to tint stuff with poetry, it can be nice and poetic if I can (and if I was a good poet) and if I could 'put a more positive spin on it' but when the point I'm trying to get across is not whether someting is positive or not but whether we really have control or a matter or not, describing the fact that our thoughts and decisons come from the chemistry of the brain, etc - I find quite an accurate way of going about it.
I often find it more positive
not to 'put a more positive spin on things' - because I find reality itself embracing and I find 'putting a more positive spin' to be kind of like wishful thinking, or
if actually true and
not wishful thinking but merely 'a more positive way of looking at the same thing' - I find such efforts gratitous sometimes anyway since, like I said - I find reality embracing anyway.
And I'd rather a negative truth than something positive that turns out to be a falsehood, anyday.
And positive thinking doesn't 'affect you positively' unless you actually believe it. And
if (I'm being hypothetical here) it
isn't true - then I'd
rather not believe it anyway, like I said - I'd rather believe a negative truth than a positive falsehood (a placebo) anyday.
The only exception is if a placebo is the only way to save my life (or someone else's), or something to that effect, etc.
---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 PM ----------
henry quirk;67686 wrote:
you describe a duality or plurality for which there is no evidence: that is, there is 'you', and there are chemicals in your brain, and that your brain (and those chemicals) are somehow NOT 'you'
On the contrary. I'm saying the part of me that I am using to think "me" when I am thinking something like "
I am thinking this, this is
me" of course, comes form the part of me that is my brain.
I am in no way dualist. I'm a monist materialist and I believe in nothing supernatural whatsoever. Nor do I believe in an immortal soul.
Quote:you ARE the flesh: not just the brain, or the chemicals in the brain, but the entirety of your flesh...bone, blood, organ, and gland...all of you IS 'you'
you are a whole...a unit...a single entity
Of course. And that is why I can't deliberately control it because I'm already in the process of controlling. I can't control my brain with my brain because it is already doing so, it can't change what has already been done by me (meaning by the rest of me), what has already been thought of. And where's the evidence that my brain can
currently think or 'decide on' anything than what it
is already currently doing?.
If it can't. Yes 'I have control' as in - I am controlling, my brain is controlling - but where's the evidence that my brain has any control over
itself any real
choice in its controlling? It's already controlling, it's already deciding, it's already thinking - where's the evidence that it can do otherwise? Where's the evidence that it can think differently
currently to how it's currently doing...if it's already doing it?
I think it's like a waterfall, flowing. Not a big bucket that purposefully fills itself.
Quote:so: of course you have control (more accurately: 'ownership' or 'possession') over your decisions, because it is 'you' who perceives a circumstance; 'you' who filters that information through your 'self', and 'you' makes a choice or cluster of choices
I 'control my actions' as in...I am doing stuff and I am conscious and we
call that controlling. But is there any evidence that I currently control in an otherwise manner at this exact moment? I don't think so. How would I do that? How would I control right now, deliberately
exactly how I'm controlling? - I'm already controlling!
Like I said: There
is evidence that you 'have options' but there's
no evidence that you have any option over 'which options you opt for'.
Quote:that aspects of that choice are below your threshold of awareness doesn't make those choices 'out of your control' or alien...entirely conscious of the criteria you apply, or not, 'you' still make the choice
I 'make a choice' in the sense I do something when being aware of what I'm doing and we call that 'making a choice' - but where's the evidence that whether I can do otherwise or not, that I have a choice in which way I go in that exact moment?
and again: i really wish we could do away with 'free will'...as placeholder: it's a poor choice to apply to the phenomenon of 'agency', or, 'self-efficacy', or, 'self-possession', or 'self-determination' (all these placeholders are much more on the mark, much more in keeping, with what actually happens, with what is 'real')[/QUOTE]
We have evitability and avoidability. We have options - but like I said, I know of no evidence that we have any option over which options we opt for.