All this being said, i still believe that all these institutions are incredibly restricting, to and unhealthy point. We cannot live our lives to the fullest with all these limitations yet without them, things go downhill. Even though many limitations are physical, society creates a mental need to conform to standards. This again constricts us and has us living a very unpleasant and fake life.
Any thoughts?
IMO there are three major instituions: Educational, Religious, and Political institutions are designed and formed to make us believe a certain truth.
Any thoughts?
I might take exception to including education and its institutions, at least in the borders of Western civilisation,
It could be a regional difference, but I know from personal experience that the Texas school system doesn't have education as its primary objective.
The People Shapers also describes psychological brain washing techniques (Debilitation, Dread, and Dependency) which are frighteningly like the techniques the CIA has/is reportedly using on detainees. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that the "enhanced interrogation techniques" are not designed to gather information from detainees, but rather to change their minds to a more docile, manageable state. At the very least it'll be used to gain real world experience in brain washing. Furthermore, this is not the only instance I've read such a thing. Naomi Klein, in The Shock Doctrine describes these techniques being used not only for detainees, but also in world economies as well. And then there is the Mohawk Valley Formula which is also designed to control people. You can see that formula in action every day on FOX news.
---------- Post added 08-26-2009 at 01:54 PM ----------
Oh yeah, if you get a chance watch The Century of The Self. I think it's on youtube. Ok I'll stop preaching now, I'm out of breath!
I might take exception to including education and its institutions, at least in the borders of Western civilisation, as one which "keeps order and gives us a purpose in life." Education I suggest, does just the opposite from keeping order, for by providing the tools necessary for critical or skeptical thought, it allows us to challenge the predefined order and purpose in life. Indeed, isn't it the uneducated who, in their dull acceptance of both political and religious dogma, provide the means both use to keep order?
If there be no other Truth except "reality," and everything else is alleged to be "false truths," is it not through education that we learn "reality" and how to determine "false truths" from "true truths"?
If you want to see things go downhill, then tell people to avoid at all costs any sort of learning or education.
With young minds, easily manipulated, it's not hard to design a curriculum to make everyone think a certain way.
Without the necessary experience, the youth, believe everything that is taught in school. Not to say that the material isn't true but what material is being taught is questionable.
It's actually scary to see that thinking for yourself and questioning authority is not condoned in educational foundations but ideas of following, obeying, and believing various controlling ideas are impounding into the minds of the youth.
I am unsure what making everyone "think in a certain way"actually means. Does it mean, for example, rationally or scientifically; does it mean 2+2=s4; or that Victoria was Queen of England? Is there more than one way to think, or perhaps more correctly said, to think correctly?And should not education teach correct thinking?
Again, doesn't education at least in large part, really concern itself with providing a student with a common stock of knowledge upon which to exercise his thinking?
I am not sure what counts as "necessary experience" but I fail to understand why it would somehow contradict what is taught in schools, since the material taught is admitted to be true. What is questionable about the material might be that schools do not teach untruth, or given the limits of time do not teach each and every subject and each and every factual piece of information (but how to look it up in the LIBRARY which contains all SORTS of books).
At least in the later stages of education, don't educators spend a great deal of time coaching students on independent thinking, teaching them how to do independent and critical research on the internet, don't they encourage in the classroom an exchange of ideas and interpretations, say, in current events or political discussions?
This seems a truer picture of the current state of affairs, at least in the West, than one of training modern counterparts of the Hitler Youth or the production of intellectual robots. And if the latter is the secret goal of all the professional and dedicated teachers, they have certainly failed utterly to achieve their purpose.
IMO there are three major instituions: Educational, Religious, and Political institutions are designed and formed to make us believe a certain truth. These institutions make us think a certain way. The positive: they give us organization, comfort, and stability. The negative: they restrict and limit us physically and mentally, they are essentially trying to turn us into conformists, and they impose false truths upon us.
All of these institutions are essentially set up to keep order and give us a purpose in life. Honestly, we don't know where we're going and we need some sort of comforting guide whether it be to succeed in the educational institutions, abide by the political society's standards and laws and be a "good citizen", or follow every word of "god" so that we may ascend to "heaven". Basically we need a purpose to life and it is very convenient to easily adapt to any of these institution's standards and way of life.
There is no certain truth besides reality, once we can realize that, we won't have the problem of needing certain truths to believe and rely on.
Truth being, without these guiding foundations, there probably would be chaos and mayhem. But this is a fundamental problem in humankind, letting us float and drift in this "chaotic" world and life of ours only can lead to problems. The truth is, without order and leadership, we cannot co-exist peacefully. What everything comes down to is a difference in opinion and perspective, we always need to see a "right" perspective to follow and live our lives by.
All this being said, i still believe that all these institutions are incredibly restricting, to and unhealthy point. We cannot live our lives to the fullest with all these limitations yet without them, things go downhill. Even though many limitations are physical, society creates a mental need to conform to standards. This again constricts us and has us living a very unpleasant and fake life.
Any thoughts?
I am unsure what making everyone "think in a certain way"actually means. Does it mean, for example, rationally or scientifically; does it mean 2+2=s4; or that Victoria was Queen of England? Is there more than one way to think, or perhaps more correctly said, to think correctly?And should not education teach correct thinking?
Again, doesn't education at least in large part, really concern itself with providing a student with a common stock of knowledge upon which to exercise his thinking?
It's all about allowing a child to learn and it starts in the home with the child leading the parade. The Montessori Method is by far the most affective way of allowing a child to choose their own direction. At least it is the one I have found to be the most effective. More information can be found at thislink and of course there are others also. Still there are the antagonists of both religious and political institutions who wish to control what an individual learns using a nefarious grading system that rewards only those who conform to what "they" teach, with little regard to those who don't "measure up", in their opinion/dogma/tenet/beliefs. Without going into what I think of the educational system in America or the political or religious ramifications, I think the child is by far more important than anything, provided costs are not involve and allowing that child to freely choose that path that is most suitable to them.
Sad to say the Montessori Method is expensive, as I understand it, thought it should be the standard and free for all children of all nations. They are our future and it's time we come to a universal understanding of just that. Out of the mouths of babes; You BETTER BELIEVE IT, or we will all suffer those consequences if we don't. If you don't believe me, just take a look at what is behind those doors we have tagged as ADULTS ONLY. Wow, how exciting is that for a child to look forward to when they come of age, huh? Damn!:letme-at-em:
Real education must be sought by each individual, and it does not involve taking certain classes or obtaining a certain degree, it requires a certain type of thinking. Unfortunately, the public educational institution does not work to cultivate this type of thinking. Some teachers might, I had a couple, but they are the exception. Test scores, polls, personal experience, and the general decline of the apparent education of the masses seems to indicate that there's a problem there.