the only way to negotiate past the political parties and the media is to negotiate around beaurocracy. Beaurocracy is many things ordered by rules and files, and that includes democracy on even a medium scale let alone a national one. Depersonalisation. Thus it is only through the small scale that deliberately tries to live outside beaurocracy that 'the people' could possibly bring back support for individual leadership. Qualities of leadership supported out of personal experience of being with such a 'candidate', and being with others who have the same personal type of experience with the candidate. ie Tribe.
Move outside that and we move into beaurocracy. From that comes scale, from that comes media, and from that media presentation, whether by political parties or political personalities. Even local politics then becomes tainted from the top down. Political parties muscle in on the small scale, with money and media presentation and public apathy ....... and the dissolution of the people from people politics itself. Beaurocracy is here to stay, the medium is the message. How are we to fight it ...... with revolution??? lol yeh right. more of the same, different name. Even when we dream of revolution, the beaurocracy tricks us into dreaming of a new beaurocracy. And how could we dream of anything else? We have lived it for thousands of years for one thing. We would be at each others throats without it for another. The scale of our social groups, our physical presence upon this earth has made us utterly dependant upon beaurocracy to feed and protect us. To keep the lights on. Thus to even comtemplate living outside the beaurocracy is not only illegal ..... it is heresy. If the converted and dependant catch you doing it they may do a lot worse than turn you in. Best to keep your head down and believe what mummy beaurocracy tells you. Any creed that advocates the end of beaurocracy is advocating chaos because deep down we know we cannot live together without it on this scale of population.
Vote for the dope party
stay stoned. Its better than rape, starvation and war.
eg. Vote for the beaurocratic solution to global warming. Carbon credits. (taxation to the dyslexic). The o so new '
green' parties. (its nice to have something new..... it feels like change.)
Don't mention that world poverty, man made global warming (if any), pollution, fighting over resources ...... would all pale to insignificance if we reduced the worlds population to 1 tenth of what it is now. Imagine the uk with 7 million people in it. Imagine the US with 25 million in it. Imagine what our natural surroundings would look like. Imagine the resources and land available to all.
Now ask why you have never heard a major democratic beaurocrat ever suggest such a thing. Because when it comes to beaurocracy it is safety in numbers. Safety in numbers right up to the breaking point of the beaurocratic system itself. That way everyone becomes dependant. Everyone fears it will break. That is how beaurocracy stays alive. All beaurocrats know that the numbers should never be reduced to the level where the people don't need the beaurocracy. It is the fear of what would happen if we don't vote for beaurocrats that keeps us voting for them.
And what is a party politician if not a beaurocrat? How can millions upon millions vote for them if not through the media? The fear is real, we are stuck with them by evidence of our huge numbers. Thank the media for giving us the dream that maybe
just maybe ....... the next 'leader' ain't a beaurocrat? (Obama).
They are doing their best. And if that doesn't feel real enough for you? Well join a political party of course!