Nice article. Thanks. Many of the ideas of Greek philosophy correlate with Daoist philosophy which was evolving at approximately the same time. Possibly traders between the two continents carried ideas which they shared. Maybe it was synchronicity.
The Five Shen
What Are The Five Shen?
The Five Shen are the spirits associated with each of the body's five yin organ-systems (Heart, Kidney, Spleen, Liver and Lungs).
Shen: Emperor of the Heart
Within the Five Shen system we find something like a spiritual hierarchy: Shen - the spirit of the Heart - is the Emperor, with aspects of its power - like Ministers - residing as the spirits of the other organs.
Hun: The Ethereal Soul of the Liver
The Hun or ethereal soul is associated with the Liver System, and is the aspect of consciousness that continues to exist - in more subtle realms - even after the death of the body.
Yi: Intellect of the Spleen
The spirit of the Spleen System is Yi, or intellect. A healthy Yi manifests as spirit-infused intelligence and understanding.
Po: The Corporeal Soul of the Lungs
The Po or corporeal soul is associated with the Lungs, and is the aspect of consciousness that dissolves with the elements of the body at the time of death. Since the Po exists only within the context of a single lifetime, it tends to be associated with our immediate or more dense desires - as opposed to the Hun, which expresses more long-range commitments.
Zhi: The Kidney's Will to Act
The Shen of the Kidney System is Zhi, or will. Zhi is associated with the element water, and it carries the energy of the direction north and the planet Mercury. Zhi is the minister in charge of the intention and effort required to accomplish things.