I believe that what you are referring to when you are saying the 'true me' is the being.
Anyways, all of what you said are all based on perspective.
It may be certainly true for you that titles say nothing about oneself, but look at how people let these titles influence themselves.
Sure, they may seem superficial for you, but for some people it is their life.
Now, titles are often needed to convey what you want in this world (this world as in material world, the tangible world).
For example, you don't just go up to a store and expect the guy to know intuitively what you want.
Symbols and titles are needed for materialistic world.
Although, yes, materialism is a deadly thing if you cling strongly to it, but spiritualism too, if you repeatedly say that you don't need food and end up dying.
The thing is to find a balance between materialism and spiritualism; you don't want to be spiritually void, yet you don't want to deprive your body of its needs.
Now, while I agree on the fact that people are getting too attached to their titles, I wouldn't get rid of every title in the world because of it.
Now, when you deal with happiness, it is also the same deal.
To an extent, materialistic things can carry you to happiness, but those materialistic things are, well, bare necessities, such as food, water, etc.
Happiness comes from the bare necessities ALONG with the spiritual peace and an exploration of the inner self.
Again, I don't think you should go out on the street in the name of happiness.