Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2009 04:05 pm
The darkness descended on the girl until she could no longer see the brightness, it grew and grew unil it ripped at her skin and pulled her arms this way and that way until she screamed no more. The scream was so loud that it shattered panes of glass, the fall of shards breaking could be heard everywhere, then one day it stopped. And she trod over the broken glass and her feet bled but she didn't care for they were only feet and blood is only blood. And she saw, she saw the great wide chasm and when she returned she returned with a light. The light within her grew and grew until it banished the dark and she knew and whenever the darkness came and whispered it's long tendrils and tried to touch her skin and grab her she banished it with one foul swoop of her arm and said begone! because you do not belong here with her and the light. And the darkness recoiled from hence it came to fester and to seethe.

And she shone, she shone her light on to life and through life and wherever it shone beauty grew and bloomed into a prettly little plum flower and a fine young handsome butterfly, blue, so serene and shining brilliantly, so tender and sweet, blossoming in the sunlight and shimmering in the moonlight. And the girls heart filled with love and cried tears of joy and she then turned to her secret love and kissed the darkness and said look at this my love, my guiding light and and they smiled down upon them beaming like a ray of sunshine on the beginning of a new day!And under her breathe she thanked the darkness for this.
One day, finally she became light herself and she returned to the space and the stars.

She sped on towards the stars travelling faster than the speed of light passed galaxies and headed into the dark space, to where? Who knows? The divine, God?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,220 • Replies: 12
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Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2009 08:11 pm
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Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2009 08:14 pm
Thank you so much Philippe, your mate Caroline.

---------- Post added 09-15-2009 at 09:14 PM ----------

I would thank you but it wont let me.
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Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2009 09:04 am
Ya know, I think it's finished, maybe a bit of shuffling the words around but I think it's done.

---------- Post added 09-17-2009 at 11:12 AM ----------

Ya know I could just keep adding and adding to it, getting bigger and bigger, I mean it never stops. I'm thinking of inserting a garden somewhere in the middle where things to grow, (obviously), and describing all the pretty things that live there. I mean I could go and on and on forever.Smile
Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2009 12:47 pm
Blood will have blood they say, yes I to liked the images it gave me ,we all need the darkness to appreciate the lighter times. Thanks Chas.xris
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Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2009 02:31 pm
You are welcome my dear and thank you. Your words inspire me as you know they always do. A full moon and the bright stars are out tonight, hounds howling I hear? A war cry? Quick they are coming, run!
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Reply Fri 18 Sep, 2009 02:29 am
They can smell the blood, sorry I just thought I add that one in there. And that really is all folks!
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Reply Fri 18 Sep, 2009 12:13 pm
Hey Catch, can I ask you a faour please. Would you mind shuffling this story about a bit please, like put the garden in there somewhere because I dont know where to put it and I know you been practising with Salima in chopping and changing prose and poetry and I see you have built some skill from it so I'd appreciate it.
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Reply Sat 19 Sep, 2009 01:07 pm
That's a nice challenge, Caroline. I will copy the text and see what I can do. But I know it will be very little. I even think any change will spoil the whole thing considerably. But because you ask I will try. Mind it could take some time.
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Reply Sat 19 Sep, 2009 02:10 pm
Take all the time you like Catchabula I know you can do it because you worked well with Salima producing good results. So thanks yeah, take all the time you like because I'm sure it'll be worth the wait, can't wait to see how it turns out now.
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Reply Sat 19 Sep, 2009 04:02 pm
Ok, just a first idea...

Khar Ohl Inah
Or The Navaho Myth of the Sent One.

Darkness fell upon her like a blanket, pressing on her body like a man mad with lust. The darkness grew deep beyond measure and ripped her mind apart with a thousand claws, and she screamed and screamed until she had no breath left to scream. Her scream shattered the rocks, terrified the birds in the trees and rolled over the land like thunder, covering the sky with a thick black cloud. Then one day the screaming stopped and she awoke, and she trod on the broken rocks and her feet were bleeding, but only her feet were wounded and the blood was not her life's blood. And she opened her eyes and saw, she saw the abyss from which the cloud had risen and high above her head she saw the Light. And the Light came down to her when she called upon it, and it entered her bosom and it came to rest in her heart. There it grew stronger and stronger until she could defeat the darkness by her newly acquired might. And when the darkness stretched out its tentacles she could banish it with a sweep of her arm. And she raised her hand and she said Be Gone! And the darkness coiled like a snake and sank into the bowels of the Earth to fester and to seethe...

And she looked brighter than the day! She let her Light shine on all that lived, and where she came flowers sprouted from the ground and the barren land blossomed like a garden in the sweetest month. Her mind was like a freshly opened rose and her heart like a newborn butterfly. she seemed serene and yet full of movement, dancing in her own sunshine and shimmering in the night like the silver moon. And she came to man's villages and she said Look, look at my Love, look at my nature, at my essence and my guide. And her being was mere Love and she made the people cry with joy. Her smile was like the Evening Star and with that smile began a New Era in the age of men. And man revered even the place where the darkness lay buried. And he revered the darkness itself, for the One it had brought to him and for what he had become thanks to Her...

And one day she changed into Pure White Light and went back to her Father in Heaven. She flew with immense speed to his throne, where she now sits at his side, sharing in his Power and Glory.

Hayah heeh! Hayah heeh! Hayah hayah hayah heeh! Hayah heeh! Hayah heeh...

Oh, and the Saucer ended up in Area 51 :bigsmile: .
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Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2009 02:28 pm
Hm what do you think, Caroline. How did it turn out? ;-)
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Reply Sat 10 Oct, 2009 02:38 pm
I don't like the first line but I guess it's probably close to the truth too but there are women too Catch, like my mother and other girls how would you describe that.

I got to go to bed will read it all later, look forward to it, thank you Philippe.

Yeah I like it so far, thank you so much. Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. Cheers! Wink
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