Is it true that all life pretty well shares the same DNA? I think this piece of evidence kinda diminishes creationism coupled with the ability to re-create 19 of the 20 amino acids there are.
I am always confused how creationists could refuse to accept evolution. If there is a God then I don't see any divine plan in such bias as creationism. I mean, it just so happens that the female (Eve) took the first bite. How counter-intuitive does that seem?! But evolution, the bias is indifferent to human feelings. Seems to me a more reasonable method of creation for the sake of this 'equality' for all the life on Earth.
However, I think understanding what life is, might be beneficial, for, viruses as organic as they are seem to imply that all life is just the result of chemical processes (ok obvious) but is this what life is then? Perhaps life is a law. All matter follows laws, fundamental forces of nature, etc, which we define. But life has the emergent property of it's perceived motion not following 100% to those laws, but adapting a new one which is its self preservation?
At what point does a complex system all of a sudden exhibit this pattern that we can perceive? If all is waves, then lets represent a system with er... waves (because all is waves) . Perhaps a container with strings inside. If you zap energy into this box (or shake it for a while I suppose) then the string would obviously form knots and weave in complex ways. And when a knot forms, does it break eventually? It can I suppose, but what are the odds? Are the odds just as good as they are in creating the knot in the first place? In the analogy, no, because there is friction. I dunno if you can represent matter in such a way, seems like establishing some sort of entropy which becomes more constrained as you go up to macro from micro.
So having a knot could represent a new condition or law that the string (object) exhibits... whatever you wanna call it. And the knot must now cause the probabilities of potential perceived motions (or change in conditions) to alter. Perhaps for the self-sustaining of the knot? The odds of the knot becoming even bigger increase.