xris wrote:There is a difference between scientific facts that are not proven but are accepted as being the most rational explanation and what you are proposing.I think i have told you i have had experiences that defy my logic but i still keep an open mind on the cause of them.I don't know exactly what experiences you have had that others have witnessed, it would be a lot clearer to me if you could be more explicit.I dreamt the lottery numbers but did not take the dream seriously enough to my cost.My family know because i showed them the numbers..That type of evidence if the reader believes i am being honest can stimulate debate.
On our first trip together to Great Britain, my wife Barbara and I rented a car and, with the help of an old British Automobile Association guide book loaned to us by a friend at work, we set out to explore some of the historical treasures of Great Britain. One cool, grey, drizzly morning we were driving up a narrow country road near the village of Avebury and noticed two rows of large standing stones going up the pasture parallel to the road. Curious, we parked the car and went through a cattle gate which was at the bottom of the two rows of stones and which had a small plaque, telling us how these ancient standing stones had been re-erected as they had been many centuries before.
Barbara went to the first stone at the bottom of the first row and I walked over to the first stone at the bottom of the second row. As I walked around the stone, admiring its ridges and crevices, I got in my mind an image of a young man dressed in warrior's garb. I also got the feeling that this was a rather sickly young man, who was distressed because he couldn't be like his renowned and respected warrior father. Fascinated with the images and feelings I was experiencing, I walked over to Barbara to tell her about them, but Barbara was obviously in a quiet, meditative mood so I waited patiently until she was ready to talk with me. The stone that Barbara had chosen was shaped like a slightly cupped hand reaching out of the earth. I got an image of a gentle older lady, and the wonderful feeling of a grandmother's love. Without thinking, I exclaimed, "Wow, what a beatifully gentle lady!" Startled, Barbara asked why I had said that. When I told her about the image and feelings I was experiencing, she revealed that she was experiencing a similar image and set of feelings.
Then Barbara and I walked together slowly, from stone to stone, zigzagging back and forth between the two rows, sharing with each other the images and feelings which we experienced as we approached and walked around each of the stones. We discovered that each stone represented a very distinctive personality and that the row of stones next to the country road contained all female personalitieis and the row furthest from the road contained all male personalities. But we weren't just observing the images and feelings about these personalities, we were actually interacting with these people, wordlessly asking them questions as they wordlessly welcomed us as if we were long-absent members of their community. We could "see" the homes they lived in, the clothes they wore, and the beautiful, tall-treed forest which surrounded their small village. We met the father of the sickly young man I had met at the first stone, and we met a hard-working housewife and her farmer/hunter/part-time-warrior husband. We met many people, all distinct personalities and all respectfully welcoming to us.
Although the images and feelings which Barbara and I were experiencing were similar, our interpretation of them was sometimes quite different. As we approached one stone, I remarked on the image and feelings I got about a loving father of many children. Barbara interpreted the image and feelings she was receiving as being of a priest with a great love for his parishioners. As we approached another stone, I said that this was a very regal lady, and Barbara said that this was a high priestess. Although there were many more stones in the two rows past this High Priestess stone, this was far as we went. For the High Priestess personality greeted us with imperious dignity,as though graciously granting us an audience and, after a brief exchange of formalities, told us that we knew what we had to do and instructed us to get on with it. I felt a bit snubbed and, as we slowly walked back down the hill between the two rows of stones, I tried to recapture the camaraderie which we had experienced with the stones on our walk up the hill. But the other personalities had become distant and, although still respectful, urged us to follow the directive of the High Priestess and get on with our mission. So we left the field, got in our car and drove on.
At no time during our visit with the personalities, who were revealed to us as we walked among the stones, did we feel that we were experiencing anything abnormal or unusual. To us at the time, it was a perfectly normal day with normal, common-place events. We never lost awareness of the cool, damp weather and the treeless sheep pasture we were walking through, as we "saw" the heavy forest surrounding the community, and "saw" the light, loose clothing the people wore in the warm climate in which they lived. We had a tape recorder in the car but did not consider the experience to be significant enough to record anything about it, and that night I just wrote in my diary that today we had met some interesting people who had lived several thousand years ago. It wasn't until a week or so later, when we happened to mention our Avebury morning to some acquaintances, that their reaction to our story made us aware that perhaps it had been an exceptional experience. Since Barbara and I had corroborated each other, my scientific curiosity kicked in and I wanted to find out as much as I could about the Avebury stones and about other "sacred" stones in Great Britain. I bought a number of books on the subject and found that William Shakespeare had reportedly commented on the Avebury stones that, "These are not stones. These are people." In a castle in Northern Scotland, we found a description of the climate and environment of Great Britain in ancient days and that description coincided with the warm weather and heavily-wooded environment we had experienced with our "acquaintances" that morning in Avebury. Our reseach indicated that the people we met that day may have lived about 4,000 to 5,000 years ago, long before the time of the Druids, who are credited with erecting such stones. We got an impression that the stones may not have originally come from around Avebury, but from other, perhaps nearby, communities.
My research revealed that there are many "sacred" stones in Great Britain, some of them arranged in circles, some in rows like the ones near Avebury, some stacked to form small huts, and some round ones, about the size of a human head, stacked in piles with a tunnel going into the centre of the pile, and some placed under the seats of the thrones of ruling nobility. The experiences of Barbara and me suggested to us that the people of ancient times were aware of the power of such stones to provide links to memories about their forebears and had significant people in their communities keep such a stone close by them during their life, perhaps under where they slept, so that later generations could benefit from their wisdom and knowledge. Perhaps this practice was the origin of our modern practice of placing a headstone at the head of somebody's grave. Although, unfortunately, we neglect to have the person store in the headstone, before they die, a link to the person's personality and memories.