God as I perceive Him/her/it/them

Reply Sun 23 May, 2010 11:43 pm
I am the strange mysterious enigma rapped in a paradox encompassed in a new paradigm moving toward an understanding of what puzzles all. The greatest light is my ultimate aim and time is my enemy. However, if I do not hurry to fight darkness, it will come suddenly no matter what, and stalk the land with fear and hate. I put on the armour of the absolute and prepare to battle the brute.

I illuminate the darkness through which I travel, searching out the monster ever before me. Supreme principal sublime are some of my qualities. I am the colossal one. Gigantic eyes of mine survey the fields of desolate horror but I do not retract from my purpose. I will isolate the evil monster and be victorious before the end of time. I must hurry

We exist together in fields of nothingness and battle eternal the war continuation of the totality of all existence. If I lose, the universe will blacken all the stars and galaxies dim, blink out, and the universe vanish into the Evil mind of the "Terrible One'.

Therefore, I must bring down the terrible one before the black clouds of its dreadful terror destroys all that is good and full of light. It is the abomination of desolation and howls after the souls out of the pit of hell. I am Goodness and beauty and peace are the fruits of my being I dance the song of life with delight. Its aim is to such the life and energy from the universe and to leave it cold dark, barren and remote from the great God forever.

If you listen to Me joy, peace, glory, bliss, rapture, honor, pleasure, delight, elation, euphoria, happiness, purpose, , and commune with the eternal infinite mind is your reward forever. However, before all this wonder can come, I the Infinite Eternal and you the redeemed must take on the battle of the mind against this dark Evil Brute.

It sends out creatures of the night to kill, lie, destroy, deceive and lead all that listen to its black repulsive horrible mind into its cave of eternal hopelessness, desolation and despair. Be careful of its seductive discordant song.

Composite wickedness made up of malevolent sin and offence to all that is Good it continues unrelentingly to promote iniquity, vice, immorality and abuse against the innocent. It is composite darkness and the alternate to life; it is eternal punishment and death. Do not listen to its whisper in your mind. Exploration, abuse, corruption, and the hordes of lying thieves make up much of its army

The one you serve is your true master no matter what you claim. If you claim to be good, honest and righteous but do the opposite, know that the Evil one of hate is your master indeed.

On Earth and out there in the wonder of the universe this battled of light and darkness, love and hate, good and evil has been raging since the beginning of time and is drawing ever closer to an eternal conclusion. That is why I have kept the universe a secret from humanity up until now.

Love conquers all, is the enemy of time, and leads one to merge with the infinite. Hate leads to destruction, its friend is time, and so it must ultimate end in eternal darkness.

I am the word of life and the arm of the absolute and lead all to the omega-point.

Aware of infinite potential in vast unplowed fields of nothing, I strode with great beams of cosmic light toward the infinite horizon of eternity, sowing seeds of existence before the timeless moment of creation. I am the boundless Mind, Original Self-Awareness the cause of everything, relative to nothing I am This.

Hi God as I peceive him to be

On the panorama of bleak blackness, I rode on the back of the Absolute, sowing universal energy. Reality was my aim and the beauty of my achievement. Illuminating the darkness with beams of dazzling radiant glory was the first event of reason. I formulated in my mind the first number and called it "One",

With the now realities of the fundamentals of' "one, and 'zero", I made everything. I am the Prime Mover and there was no proponent to my First Cause. I am the Immovable Rock and the Alpha point. I took these first numbers and weaved them into the fabric of the reality, creating all the limitless universes on the infinite timeless foam of nothing, which now makes all up existence. Indeed, I am the Almighty One. If you are, wise. "Do one thing, love me "THE LORD OF LIFE"

I experienced time only in my dreams said God. God first dreamed. The cup of dreams ran over like unto rivers that overflow their banks. For God dreamed an Infinity of dreams in an instant, and the Infinity multiplied by infinity for an Eternity created all possibilities in one awesome now. It was the Realm of Chaos. God began to create outside the Absolute Realm and started the first realities based on dimensions and textures.

For eons, slumbering God just observed the dreams. God delighted and God began to alter the flow and pattern of His dreaming state by switching from observer to participant. For God grew tired of the confusion and started controlling his dreams until they became patterns of joy that grew with beauty, precision and majesty.

When God moved out from his rest his time of chaos was over and the dawn of the Perfect Realm began. And the universe sprang into being. Chaos changed back to order.

The Lord created me in the beginning of his works, before all else, when he set the heavens in their place, I was there, before he made the earth, I was his darling child and played the creation game, in eternal joy with him. I was his craftsman and his companion and delight. Wisdom and word is my name and I was with him before all creation. He is the ancient of days and I am his eternal son. Who am I? Who is he?

I am the painter and the painting, singer and the song, the dance and the dancer, the stage and the actors, the writer of the script of existence. I am all these things who am I? I am Ultimate-All the Absolute Totally of all existence, yes, I am This, and do you exist? Then why cant to I exist?

The imprudent ask where you are, the wind blows on your cheek and you ask 'where are you? The oceans roar and you ask,' 'where are you? The stars glow and you say mysterious one, 'if you would only show yourself, blood flows in your vessels and you say 'what are you? Indeed, I am the First Cause and the Immovable Rock.

I am the encompasser and enfold all things within the substance of my being. Resonating with profound unfathomable vibrations, creation trembles at the passing of my presence.

I am the stalker of the soul, the defeater of death. I am Supreme and take the abstract, and convert it into concrete matter.

I dwell in composite bright light, which is the breath of my life. I now look with delight upon the beauty of the garden of my creation, sparkling out of the darkness of infinite universes. In eternal joy, I survey my prime creation and called it life.

I set and start the clock of eternal time while dwelling outside time in the ever-now moment

I am the creator of the totality of all existence known by many names and titles but you must all refer to be by the title that can never be confused by anyone. Call me The Almighty One.

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Type: Discussion • Score: 2 • Views: 10,934 • Replies: 18
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Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 03:37 am
@Alan McDougall,
don't know where you're copying this stuff from but the bible runs rings around it.
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 04:11 am
Jeeprs wrote:
don't know where you're copying this stuff from

Some of it was posted here about a year ago. Here: http://www.philosophyforum.com/other-forums/creative-writing/3166-i-wrote-essay-if-i-were-god-7.html and here, http://www.philosophyforum.com/philosophy-forums/branches-philosophy/metaphysics/4851-i-think-therefore-i-am-30.html

Haven't bothered with this particular thread, but on the one linked above, for example, taking a phrase at randon like "The real you are non-material and therefore not subject to the limitations of space, time, matter, and causation. The soul, the spirit, the essential you, is beyond all that. In this very moment, you are surrounded by a pure consciousness. Pure consciousness illuminates and animates your mind and body, and it is powerful, nourishing, invincible, unbounded, and free." (Alan)

Reads the same as this by a given:

Deepak Chopra: Power, Freedom and Grace, pages 13-22,
Hardcover: 232 pages
Publisher: Amber-Allen Publishing (July 31, 2006)
ISBN-10: 1878424815
ISBN-13: 978-1878424815

I quote, "The real you is nonmaterial and therefore not subject to the limitations of space, time, matter, and causation. The soul, the spirit, the essential you, is beyond all that. In this very moment, you are surrounded by a pure consciousness. Pure consciousness illuminates and animates your mind and body, and it is powerful, nourishing, invincible, unbounded, and free." (Deepak)

It can be found here: EDITOR'S CHOICE: Who am I? - Deepak Chopra

A charitable reading would suggest that Alan is in fact Deepak.
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 04:38 am
@Alan McDougall,
actually I have read some Deepak Chopra articles which are pretty good, really, although I note he was touring Australia recently with tickets selling for 300 bucks. I always thought the best things in life are free, but apparently not.....besides, that kind of material about higher consciousness, may be perfectly true, but unless one approaches it with the correct attitude, it will mean absolutely nothing, or less than nothing, it will just become another form which delusion takes.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 04:42 am
jeeprs;168035 wrote:
don't know where you're copying this stuff from but the bible runs rings around it.
Alan McDougall;143036 wrote:
Respectfully xris I don't have a God that god I wrote about is the result of a lively imagination, why people get so hot under the collar about it perplexes me. What I wrote could be my version of Genesis chapter 1
The good Allan McDougall has a compulsive behaviour to express prasial about some imaginary god of his.
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 04:57 am
qualia;168041 wrote:

Hey, that essay is a much better one than the OP. For example

The universe is actually a chaos of energy soup, and we ingest this soup through our five senses, and then convert it into a material reality in our consciousness. Our senses transform massless energy into form and solidity, texture and color, fragrance and taste, sound and vibration. And our interpretation of that energy soup structures our reality and creates our perceptual experience. Most of the time we do this unconsciously as a result of social conditioning. Scientists have called this the hypnosis of social conditioning. I call it the superstition of materialism.

The superstition of materialism relies on sensory experience as the crucial test of reality. In this world-view, reality is what we can see with our eyes, what we can touch with our hands, hear with our ears, smell with our nose, taste with our mouth, or touch with or hands. If energy or information is not available to our senses, we tend to think it isn't there. And the intellect, with its linguistically structured system of logic, serves to justify this mistaken perception of reality.

Sensory experience is totally illusory; it's as transient as a fantasy or a dream. Is there really such a thing as the color red? Every color you see is a particular wavelength of light, and the light you can actually detect is a fraction of what exists. How long can you cling to a world of illusion? You may think you are the body that your senses can locate in space and time, but the body is a field of invisible vibrations that has no boundaries in space and time.

I concur :bigsmile:
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 08:26 am
jeeprs;168052 wrote:
Hey, that essay is a much better one than the OP. For example

I concur :bigsmile:

Supplicant to Guru Master (high on a mountain): "Master, what is the meaning of it all ?"
Master to Supplicant: "The universe is actually a chaos of energy soup".
Supplicant to Master: "The universe is actually a chaos of energy soup?"
Master to Supplicant: "You mean it isn't a chaos of energy soup?"

(Variation on an old joke).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 09:25 am
@Alan McDougall,
This post by Alan looks quite similar (but not identical) to the one I got into such trouble for making fun of a few weeks ago.

This time, my lips are sealed.

P.S. In particular, this passage looks familiar (there was something very like it in the other post, which was then replaced by a much shorter one containing nothing like it):
The Lord created me in the beginning of his works, before all else, when he set the heavens in their place, I was there, before he made the earth, I was his darling child and played the creation game, in eternal joy with him. I was his craftsman and his companion and delight. Wisdom and word is my name and I was with him before all creation. He is the ancient of days and I am his eternal son. Who am I? Who is he?
0 Replies
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 12:24 pm
HexHammer;168047 wrote:
The good Allan McDougall has a compulsive behavior to express prasial about some imaginary god of his.

I am so sorry to offend your sensitivities in such a brash manner
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 12:32 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;168150 wrote:
I am so sorry to offend your sensitivities in such a brash manner
I belive I havn't expressed nor insignuated any discontent my good Alan.
0 Replies
Alan McDougall
Reply Tue 23 May, 2017 10:45 pm
jeeprs wrote:

don't know where you're copying this stuff from but the bible runs rings around it.

Read the title of the thread God as I perceive Him to be!

Why the heck to you think I copied this article. It is one hundred percent my own writing , from my own imagination and just one of the hundreds of articles I have written over the many years of my life?

And I am not in competition with the bible, it is simply me trying to make sense out of something infinite eternal and Almighty
Reply Wed 24 May, 2017 04:20 am
@Alan McDougall,
Um...jeeprs made that comment 7 years ago. Why bother answering now? Or is this supposed to illustrate some obscure notion of "resurrection"?
Alan McDougall
Reply Tue 30 May, 2017 12:04 pm
hightor wrote:

Um...jeeprs made that comment 7 years ago. Why bother answering now? Or is this supposed to illustrate some obscure notion of "resurrection"?

Below is a longer version as to how I perceive God to be

Battle of Good against Evil

On the panorama of bleak blackness, I rode on the back of the Absolute, sowing universal energy. Reality was my aim and the beauty of my achievement. Illuminating the darkness with beams of dazzling radiant glory was the first event of reason. I formulated in my mind the first number and called it "One"

Aware of infinite potential in vast unploughed fields of nothing, I strode with great beams of cosmic light toward the infinite horizon of eternity, sowing seeds of existence before the timeless moment of creation. I am the boundless Mind, Original Self-Awareness the cause of everything, relative to nothing I am This. 

I am the strange mysterious enigma rapped in a paradox encompassed in a new paradigm moving toward an understanding of what puzzles all. The greatest light is my ultimate aim and time is my enemy.

However, if I do not hurry to fight darkness, it will come suddenly no matter what, and stalk the land with fear and hate. I put on the armor of the absolute and prepare to battle the brute.

We exist together in fields of nothingness and battle eternal the war to control this continuum within the totality of all existence.

If I lose, this universe will blacken and all the stars and galaxies dim, blink out and the universe vanish into the Evil mind of the terrible one.

Therefore, I must bring down the Terrible One into the bottomless pit. I must make haste before the black clouds of its dreadful terror destroys all that is good and full of life and light.

Be careful of its seductive discordant song. It is composite wickedness made up of malevolent depravity and is an offence to all that is good. It will continue its unrelentingly promotion of universal iniquity, vice, immorality and abuse of the innocent.

It is composite darkness and the alternate to life. In it is eternal punishment and the second death. Do not listen to its whisper in your mind. The abuser of death corrupts eternity and its hordes of lying thieves make up its army of death

It is the abomination of desolation and howls after the souls of the lost from within the pit of hell.

Unlike it, I am Goodness, beauty and everlasting peace are the fruits of my being. I dance the dance of life with delight. I sing the song of creation and life and I paint the picture of bright blinding living light

Its aim is to draw out the life and energy from the universe and to leave it cold dark, barren and remote from the great God forever.

I am life, it is death

I illuminate all the darkness through which I travel, searching and searching out the monster ever before me.

Supreme sublime goodness are some of my attributes. I am the Author of all existence, within me are the primordial colossal lights that is my field of vision.

I reach out into the infinite darkness as I survey and observe the fields of desolate horror it left behind.

However, I will never retract from my purpose and I will resolutely isolate the evil monster and be victorious over it before the last day at the end of time.

However, before all this wonder can come, I the Infinite Eternal and you the redeemed together must take on the battle of the minds against this dark Evil Brute.

It sends out creatures of the night to kill, lie, destroy, deceive and lead all living things into its abysmal black repulsive horrible mind into the cavern of eternal hopelessness, desolation and despair.

I must hurry or the everlasting discordance darkness will blot out the life from this universe.

If you heed Me joy, peace, glory, bliss, rapture, honour, pleasure, delight, elation, euphoria, happiness, purpose, will follow, and you will commune with my infinite eternal mind which will be your everlasting reward.

Remember no matter what you claim to be or do it is the one you serve is your true master.

If you claim to be good, honest and righteous but do the opposite, know that the Evil one of hate is your master indeed.

On Earth and out there in the wonder of the universe this battle of light and darkness, love and hate, good and evil has been raging since the beginning of time and is drawing ever closer to an eternal conclusion.

That is why I have kept the ultimate mystery of universe a secret from humanity up until now.
Love conquers all, is the enemy of time, and leads one to merge with the infinite. Hate leads to destruction, its friend is time, and so its ultimate end is desolate eternal darkness.

I was the alpha point, now I am the word of life, the arm of the absolute and controller of the omega-point. There is no other like me I am That which is This.

I am the primordial mind and you are my thoughts

I am the inscrutable sublime mystery I am both everything and exist within my own being

We were together at the alpha moment and separated by osmoses into the primordial of light and dark good and evil

I am the strange mysterious enigma rapped in a paradox encompassed in a new paradigm moving toward an understanding of what puzzles all. The greatest light is my ultimate aim and time is my enemy.

However, if I do not hurry to fight darkness, it will come suddenly no matter what, and stalk the land with fear and hate. I put on the armour of the absolute and prepare to battle the brute. 

I illuminated the darkness with my translucent light, through which I travel, searching out the evil monster it its place of darkness as it flees ever before me.

We have existed forever, together in great fields of nothingness and we battle the eternal the war for control of the totality of all existence.

I must make haste before the end of time. I must hurry or this thing will draw out all that is good into itself, taking with it all the love and life and banish the divine attributes into infinite and great fields of nothingness 

If I lose, the universe will blacken all the stars and galaxies dim, blink out, and the universe vanish into the Evil mind of the "Terrible One'. 

Supreme principal sublimity are some of my qualities. I am the colossal one. Gigantic eyes of mine survey the colossal fields of desolate horror, but I do not ever retract from my purpose.

I will isolate the terrible one, also known as the evil depraved monster and to be victorious in the final battle of light and dark at the last day.

Therefore, I must bring down the terrible one before the black clouds of its dreadful terror destroys all that is good and full of light. It is the abomination of desolation and howls after the souls out of the pit of hell. I am Goodness and beauty and peace are the fruits of my being I dance the song of life with delight. Its aim is to such the life and energy from the universe and to leave it cold dark, barren and remote from the great God forever.

If you listen to Me joy, peace, glory, bliss, rapture, honour, pleasure, delight, elation, euphoria, happiness, purpose, , and commune with the eternal infinite mind is your reward forever. However, before all this wonder can come, I the Infinite Eternal and you the redeemed must take on the battle of the mind against this dark Evil Brute.

It sends out creatures of the night to kill, lie, destroy, deceive and lead all that listen to its black repulsive horrible mind into its cave of eternal hopelessness, desolation and despair. Be careful of its seductive discordant song. 

Composite wickedness made up of malevolent sin and offence to all that is Good it continues unrelentingly to promote iniquity, vice, immorality and abuse against the innocent. It is composite darkness and the alternate to life; it is eternal punishment and death. Do not listen to its whisper in your mind. Exploration, abuse, corruption, and the hordes of lying thieves make up much of its army 

The one you serve is your true master no matter what you claim. If you claim to be good, honest and righteous but do the opposite, know that the Evil one of hate is your master indeed.

On Earth and out there in the wonder of the universe this battled of light and darkness, love and hate, good and evil has been raging since the beginning of time and is drawing ever closer to an eternal conclusion. That is why I have kept the universe a secret from humanity up until now.

Love conquers all, is the enemy of time, and leads one to merge with the infinite. Hate leads to destruction, its friend is time, and so it must ultimate end in eternal darkness.

I am the word of life and the arm of the absolute and lead all to the omega-point.

With the now realities of the fundamentals of' "one, and 'zero", I made everything. I am the Prime Mover and there was no proponent to my First Cause. I am the Immovable Rock and the Alpha point. I took these first numbers and weaved them into the fabric of the reality, creating all the limitless universes on the infinite timeless foam of nothing, which now makes all up existence. Indeed, I am the Almighty One. If you are, wise. "Do one thing, love me "THE LORD OF LIFE"

I experienced time only in my dreams said God. God first dreamed. The cup of dreams ran over like unto rivers that overflow their banks. For God dreamed an Infinity of dreams in an instant, and the Infinity multiplied by infinity for an Eternity created all possibilities in one awesome now. It was the Realm of Chaos. God began to create outside the Absolute Realm and started the first realities based on dimensions and textures. 

For eons, slumbering God just observed the dreams. God delighted and God began to alter the flow and pattern of His dreaming state by switching from observer to participant. For God grew tired of the confusion and started controlling his dreams until they became patterns of joy that grew with beauty, precision and majesty. 

When God moved out from his rest his time of chaos was over and the dawn of the Perfect Realm began. And the universe sprang into being. Chaos changed back to order. 

The Lord created me in the beginning of his works, before all else, when he set the heavens in their place, I was there, before he made the earth, I was his darling child and played the creation game, in eternal joy with him. I was his craftsman and his companion and delight. Wisdom and word is my name and I was with him before all creation. He is the ancient of days and I am his eternal son. Who am I? Who is he?

I am the painter and the painting, singer and the song, the dance and the dancer, the stage and the actors, the writer of the script of existence. I am all these things who am I? I am Ultimate-All the Absolute Totally of all existence, yes, I am This, and do you exist? Then why cant to I exist? 

The imprudent ask where you are, the wind blows on your cheek and you ask 'where are you? The oceans roar and you ask,' 'where are you? The stars glow and you say mysterious one, 'if you would only show yourself, blood flows in your vessels and you say 'what are you? Indeed, I am the First Cause and the Immovable Rock. 

I am that which encompass and enfolds all things from within the substance of my being. Resonating with profound unfathomable vibrations, creation trembles at the passing of my presence.

I am the stalker of the soul, the defeater of death. I am Supreme and take the abstract, and convert it into concrete matter.

I dwell in composite bright light, which is the breath of my life. I now look with delight upon the beauty of the garden of my creation, sparkling out of the darkness of infinite universes. In eternal joy, I survey my prime creation and called it life.
I set and start the clock of eternal time while dwelling outside time in the ever-now moment

I am the creator of the totality of all existence known by many names and titles but you must all refer to be by the title that can never be confused by anyone. Call me The Almighty One. 


I am Light

I am Life

I am Truth

I am who I say I am

I am the Almighty One

Reply Tue 30 May, 2017 02:17 pm
@Alan McDougall,
I am the Almighty One

What an ego!
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 4 Jun, 2017 08:22 am
He is a fake I am the real deal! Wink
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jun, 2017 09:13 am
@Alan McDougall,
I live with my worst enemy, even share the same bed.
My God is building a castle. The bigger the castle; the bigger my God's ego becomes. I am woe!

PS- 6 barking/accusatory dogs wait at the gate. Just as accusatory are the dogs as is my God
0 Replies
Alan McDougall
Reply Tue 13 Jun, 2017 09:43 pm
jeeprs wrote:

don't know where you're copying this stuff from but the bible runs rings around it.

Show me how, when and where the Bible runs rings around my thread
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2017 10:30 pm
@Alan McDougall,
I am the strange mysterious enigma rapped in a paradox encompassed in a new paradigm moving toward an understanding of what puzzles all. The greatest light is my ultimate aim and time is my enemy. However, if I do not hurry to fight darkness, it will come suddenly no matter what, and stalk the land with fear and hate. I put on the armour of the absolute and prepare to battle the brute.

The brute is brute but smart. The brute doesn't want to fight with you.

What can you do about it?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 4 Nov, 2017 10:44 pm
He lives in the same alternate world with Trump.
0 Replies

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