@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;143887 wrote:
I am the first creation I am the light being sent to banish the dark and its evil lord. It is not compatibly with life, it is death and I am life. I am the compassionate one, it is hate. We are not different we are opposites of the same reality that makes up and consists of all existence
It is the lord of utter darkness and I am the Lord of Light and Life. I am the Giver of life it is the Taker of Life
The battle continues forever, for eternities the dark smothers the light and for eternities the light dispels the dark. Take heart the battle is only in the grey domain the twilight zone between light and dark love and hate, life and death
I the story teller am the Light Being raging against the dark to bring you into the eternal light of love where I dwell always in beautiful composite light
Your Universe is the twilight zone the grey between heaven and hell the domain of the Dark Lord and the domain of the Light Lord .
Good Lords. I am glad...Damn. I prefer the shade, not light/not dark. Not Hot/not Cold. In Dutch U would adress me Dhr. ud Berg but that's Antique.
Your last line is confusing. I read it as follows:
Your Universe is the twilight, the grey between Heaven and Hell; the Domain of the Dark Lord and the Light Lord. Reads to me that both Lords exist, there is a Heaven and a Hell but the Masters are Off to our Universe.
So who is taking care of my dead Fathers&Mothers ?
I do not believe in Apartheid based on nothingness like color or race. We All want our Parents to be save. I want God back in Heaven, Judas back to where he came from and Humanity should help The Rainbownation if they need so.
Bring some color in the twilight of Homo Economicus !