Exebeche;65888 wrote:Quote:Originally Posted by nameless
My understanding of 'information' is the product of Mind (the quantum possibility/probability wave field, 'undifferentiated potential) when observed by Conscious Perspective. The 'information', as collectively perceived by all Conscious Perspectives, is the complete Universe.
I am definitely going to start a thread about 'information' in the near future.
Not to continue this exciting topic seems hard to me.
However it is a topic opening a door to a whole new dimension of physics and philosphy that will take us lightyears away from the original issue.
It's a whole new world!
(going to need new language!)
Quote:Let me just say the following from my point of view: Intelligence is the ability of processing information functionally, and (our) consciousness is intelligence at a complex level, perception is something that already takes place at a low level without consciousness: Two atoms meeting each other say "how are you doing?", when two particles collide they inevitable exchange all sorts of information about each other. 'Observing' is an active way of perceiving.
Particles perceiving information about their environment is enough observation for the universe to exist.
So far for my point of view. I don't really share your philosophy however i notice that my ideas sometimes lead to conclusions that are kind of similar to yours.
Truth is One, as all roads lead to Rome!
We both observe the same 'elephant'. Although youPerspective is quite different than 'this' one, it is also a 'real feature' of the complete Universe, as are all Perspectives.
Quote:Finding and analyzing these points of contact however really leads to far in this thread. However i am curious where it might lead us.
You have my interest...
Quote:Quote:Quote:Originally Posted by nameless
Again and again some people in the crowd wake up,
They have no ground in the crowd,
You have an interesting background in literature. What's the title of this poem? I am curious to find out what it sounds like in german.
A web site indicates that a book called "Life Against Death" (1985) by
Norman O. Brown cites the quotation to Rilke?s 1899 essay " ber
'For example, in the chapter "Art and Eros" Brown quotes the following
passages from Rilke?s 1899 essay "Ueber Kunst," containing ideas and
images that I still find inspiring:
"Again and again someone in the crowd wakes up, he has no ground in
the crowd, and he emerges according to much broader laws. He carries
strange customs with him and demands room for bold gestures. The
future speaks ruthlessly through him."'
404 - File not found
Againt, there is apparently a citation " ber Kunst" (1899) in the "Art
and Eros" chapter in Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning
of History
by Norman Oliver Brown
Amazon.com: Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History: Norman O. Brown, Christopher Lasch: Books
My German skills are not strong, but clearly the same quotation
appears on a web site devoted to Rilke. Again, the citation is to
" ber Kunst" (1899).
"Die Geschichte ist das Verzeichnis der Zufr hgekommenen. Da wacht
immer wieder einer in der Menge auf, der in ihr keine Ursache hat und
dessen Erscheinen sich in breiteeren Gesetzen begr ndet. Er bringt
fremde Geb uche mit und fordert Raum f r unbescheidene Geb rden. So
w chst eine Gewaltsamkeit aus ihm un ein Wille, der ber Furcht und
Ehrfurcht wie ber Steine schreitet. R cksichtslos redet Zuk nftiges
durch ihn...
...Aus: ber Kunst (1899)"
rilke.de - Adventskalender
Quote:Quote:Originally Posted by nameless
9. Grass is green. 9. Grass registers as green to most human eyes.
What you say about the use of language appears to be totally in accordance with my idea of it. However it doesn't look a hundred percent consistent
Not only is 'consistency' the "hobgoblin of small minds", but as all Perspectives are valid and all unique, the notion of 'consistency' is a very 'local' notion at best.
Quote:Quote:by nameless;
There is only one Mind.
What makes you so totally sure that this is the truth? You can only claim that you know it by intuition.
Sorry, I am not "so totally sure that this is the truth".
This is my interpretation of the evidence that I have found from many different lines of exploration.
All that I understand is tentative and subject to immediate critical update with any new valid evidence.
So far, there is no refutation for what I offer. There are emotional and reactive arguments, but no logical nor scientific refutation.
There are enough diverse disciplines converging 'here' that I can tentatively accept, for now, 'this' as a functional working theory.
Quote:This makes your believe a religious system.
As I explained, this is not a 'belief'. I have no beliefs and, hence, no religion.
Quote:There's nothing to be said against believing in mystical quantum concepts.
I say nothing against 'beliefs' as they, too, are features of the complete Universe.
What is,
is, and 'beliefs' are! *__-
I find 'beliefs' are on a bell curve. I merely happen to be on one end. There are others, completely filled with 'beliefs' on the other end, with the vast majority in the middle somewhere.
I 'deny/condemn' nothing that exists, no 'path'.
"For every Perspective, there is an equal and opposite Perspective!" The First Law of Soul Dynamics-
Book of Fudd
Quote:If you say science is another believe system - fine, but it is based on completely different rules.
can certainly be a 'belief' system (I know many such scientists that are so plagued by 'beliefs' that their 'science' is hindered.
'Critical thought' and 'belief' are inversely proportional, the more of one, the less of the other!
can also be a Perspective (with many features), like 'logic'. That is what it is to me when I am relating what I am, here. I can, and do, speak from different Perspectives. On this site, philosophy, science and logic are the rule (for me, anyway) as I define 'philosophy' as 'critical thought' (science/logic).
Quote:I wanna try to start a thread about the Kopenhagen interpretation, this might be a good point to discuss quantum mystics (i think you are not going to take this term as an insult).
I have recently herad the term, in scienceland, "scientific enlightenment'.
It's a whole new world!
Quote:Looking forward to reading you.
Our conversations shall be legendary!