Camerama;105038 wrote:Sorry i shouldve been more explicit. Of course a collective exists but it certainly does not have any rights, and it's interests are not to be served. The goal of government is the protection of individual interests.
I think, if it were laid out rationally, the goal of government as we have it is to build a larger nation out of many nations...Justice, tranquility, unity, defense, liberty are the worthy goals governments for all time...As Aristotle says in Politics, they are formed for good because good is the goal of every human activity...The conflict comes from the fact that to make one nation many nations must be destroyed, and the way that has been done from the start is for the state to treat everyone as a legal individual which negates the need for community self defense and control... But; it does not work...The action of law inhibit natural communities like the family who can no longer police their own, or demand their members fulfill their obligations to each other...It does not inhibit preditory communities like churches and institutions, which are all corporations, in every respect a legal individual, but without the consequences of individuals...The notion that communities conspired against the freedom of their own is trash...Primitives were more free in their communities than we are....We can do much, but much is also denied out of the concept that the people must be governed...In fact, primitive governmments worked to govern the circumstances of people's lives...Socialism says as much, that the means of production must be governed...Even as today, we build and maintain leves so that the flood plane has use, and the people have safety... If business, individuals, and the legal individuals of corporations- are left free to attack and devour society from the inside then it is these people who must be controlled... And look at us for our individuals... We make much of the beast but he is seldom seen... Rather, only in criminals is individualism fully presented...If that is so, where is a little of the poison safe???...
In prehistory, and history, the only safe place for individualism, like the individual himself was in the community where it, and he or she might find balance in perspective and in reality...The concept of our nation is a farce...We cannot build an all inclusive nation on the wreckage of so many nations...The truth is that we are very divided, and divided upon the same lines of race and culture as always, and less able than ever to find the essential unity every nation must possess to survive... Individualism as principal and as philosophy is killing us...Our enemies want nothing better than for us to stand alone so we can be picked off like so many roosting turkeys...Look about you...The smart people form relationships in order to accomplish their goals in life, and the dims all want to stand alone..Every single relationship on this earth demands a sacrifice, which is usually a sacrificce of a bit of our egos, our selves.... It is an intelligence test played out on a grand scale, and the evidence is there of our failure...
---------- Post added 11-22-2009 at 12:31 PM ----------
Camerama;104999 wrote:There is no "collective," since a collective is a shapeless undefined body of individuals. A collective is independent of the societal system. Justice cannot be applied to a society, only to its individuals. It is the individual we must protect and let flourish
This is nonsense...Societies thrive on justice, and the whole object of primitive Moots, or Dooms, Things, or Councils was to find justice, as a community... People do not like feud, and all people everywhere who have not come through feuding societies are still living in them...But people recognize that feuds are a poor substitute for peace with justice, and that justice is essential to peace...The legal concept of the individual is very recent...While we tend to think about individuals as equal, natural law grew out of the Roman law of Nations which put forward the notion of the Equality of Nations...What we see, is that individuals have no more rights than they can defend, and that what makes communities is a common defense of rights... When the gays or women or blacks or working people make common cause for right, which is justice, they have formed a community...It is through these formed, or natural communities that all people have their rights, and find justice... The thought that individual must some how be in conflict with their is wrong because while primitives usually suffered threat on every side, no one in modern times, in the age of the individual is as free..And that is the problem...Our society allows communities, like corporations, institutions, and parties to to feed freely on natural communties and individuals... Most people calling for individual rights are absolutly correct in the observation that we have none of the rights we require... So the problem is not the community, but that we have failed to build a larger community after the destruction of our natual communities....If the noble savage was noble it was because of freedom and dignity coming out of a natural, communal defense of rights...