I am what I am.
And through anothers' lens - I am what 'Another' determines I am.
Still though - I am what I am.
Here's a reggae-po-eem about an experience I had today.
Me colleeg, Ee eez ok, by da way
Deed say a ting or two, taday
Bout how eez boss deed eegnore eem
Wen Ee eld da door opun for eem.
Ee condemmed eem for eez arragance
An lack a dew respeck
For dem who do
Conseeder not
Dem who
Olds doors open
I told eem, eets arragant
To judge others
By one's own standards
Eez a bizee man, I said
An az betta tings ta focus on
Dan your mannerisms
And expectations.
Den me went ome
An read deece tred
So, me did tink
"Reggae-po-eem, peeraps?"
Now me's gonna, on my Ps4, play
Yah know wots coming, next, me brutter...?
Av yah, a luvellee Dey.