The New Atheism: Theos/LICC lecture by Professor John Gray -Times Online
I'm reading a lot of John Gray at the moment and, whilst a rather unsettling and pessimistic philosopher, I find that I'm getting a lot out of his books.
I rather like this lecture he recently gave in criticism of the "New Atheism" that seems to be generating a lot of column inches at the moment. Whilst John Gray is a sceptical thinker with little time for religion (bar Taoism which he seems rather fond of) he does devote a deal of his writings to opposing atheism as well, and seems to regard Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchins et al as being as dogmatic as religious evangelists.
I don't quite agree with Gray in regards to certain details (I don't think the "New Atheists" are in the process of deifying humanity, for example) but I find his defence very interesting and he has a lot to say about the role of certain philosophers such as Nietzsche and Spinoza in this lecture.
I was wondering what other people here think, if they've read any of his books or what they make of the content of the lecture.