And tell me that there isn't anger and rage -- perhaps even excessively -- in that verse.
Not at all. I just want you to realize that anger, rage, and even violence are hardly unique to metal and rap. And that even if you think metal is vapid, its main utility is as a political type of expression.
But there is crap in every era.
It's just hard to generalize. If I took an uninitiated person and played him "Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues" and "Desolation Row", he'd think that Dylan was nothing but hallucinogenic nonsense. You and I both know that those are two of his greatest songs, and it takes some concentration to really understand them, but this is because he challenges us.
By the same token, you cannot know how deep heavy metal and rap CAN be if the sound is what dissuades you from delving deeper. That's fine, but be honest with yourself -- it's the sound that's making you generalize about the content.
I am going to exit here from this discourse with the following remarks. Joe and Aedes... Enjoy your head banging all you want to, but please don't promote it. Avail yourself of it all you want to with your friends who aspire to the same drug induced bilge
William, I hope you will take the opportunity to reconsider these words, especially considering that I (for one) have NOT "promoted" anything -- I've just sought to suppress ignorant stereotyping. And number 2, this "your friends who aspire to the same drug induced bilge" is inflammatory, unnecessary, and hypocritical for one who sees himself as above bilge. :nonooo:
This is a philosophy forum, and handwaving judgementalism is sort of antithetical to what this site is about, whatever the issue and whatever your side of it. I'd hope that you're openminded enough to engage in discourse and not flinging labels like "bilge" at something that a user here chose to discuss. If you don't like it, then you're free to stay out of the discussion if you can't contribute in a way that furthers it.
Okay, Aedes, let's further the discussion just a bit if you don't mind and that is just to say if the opportunity ever arise's that will allow me the opportunity to thwart a young, naive innocent from ever entering into this realm of "entertainment", I will personally give it everything in my power to insure that kid goes in another direction. So help me God. :a-ok:
Hear endeth the discussion.
Can you admit it is Productive to wards Human activity?
No. Not in any way whatsoever. Sorry. I wish there were some way I could meet you just a fraction of the way on this one, but I can't. But I do appreciate your civil discourse as you defend yourself. I would like to thank you for that, even though I did vent my feeling in the use of the words I have chosen to describe this genre. I am glad you did not take it personal for it was indeed a personal thing on my part more or less to emphasize the intensity of my stance. Later, my friend,
This is where your opinions hold no relevant value to others.
Okay, Aedes, let's further the discussion just a bit if you don't mind and that is just to say if the opportunity ever arise's that will allow me the opportunity to thwart a young, naive innocent from ever entering into this realm of "entertainment", I will personally give it everything in my power to insure that kid goes in another direction.
Metal is what it is.
I admit that it is Destructive towards Human activity.
Can you admit it is Productive to wards Human activity?
I've skimmed through much of this and to me, music is harmony.
Music isn't only subjective. It can have a common definition by which what is noise to you and bilge to William can still be acknowledged as music whether or not it pleases your refined sensibilities.
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything to be honest with you. I am stating that I don't like rap and I don't like metal and explaining the reasons why. My favorite music of all time is absolute silence.
If we were to analyze a little into this, I'd start off by analyzing what I know about metal music. What I know about it is that my wife's ex-husband was in a hard metal band and today he is still in a band somewhere and hasn't seen his son in many years and I believe still lives with his mother... he's over 40. Where I grew up in Michigan, I clearly remember the guys who listened to metal. These were the guys who usually wore black, usually had tattoos, usually got into trouble, and usually were smokers not to mention the lack or responsibility when it came to school. I'm not stereotyping here but since we are analyzing this, isn't it best to describe the picture in our mind for analyzing?
On the television, much of the crowd listening to heavy metal was a reflection of those I remember in school. Once again, lots of black leather clothing, lots of smoke, long hair, etc etc. Go to a concert and you see much of the same. Go to an opera and you don't see the same folks or the same anything. There's a difference here.
Onto rap. Without stereotyping, who listens to rap? Well, from what I've seen, much of the same people that were into the metal. When I hear it in a gas station or blaring out of a car while driving by, usually, not always, but usually it's some punk who has absolutely no respect for anything or anyone. When I think of Rap and the messages sent through that type of music it makes my skin crawl. When walking down a street and the rap is banging in a neighborhood, this is usually a place you'd want to avoid or be fearful of walking through. Today, many of our children listen to rap... how do they differ from children that grew up not having rap? This doesn't mean people cannot listen to it, just don't make me listen to it.
Music feeds the mind no matter how you choose to slice and dice. We make choices on the music we listen to and what we feed our minds. If anyone were to sit here and say that it makes no difference, they'd be lying. The vibrational tones of music makes a big difference.
So Aedes, you are defending the metal but there's a reason you don't listen to it like you used to? Is that because you are older, more mature and have a family and responsibilities? If you had fed your mind with metal and rap all these years do you think for a moment it would have changed who you are today?
Good questions, good thread. Once again I'll boldly say that I do not like rap and I do not like metal for many reasons but the main reason is because it is not harmonious, it is noise to me. Keep in mind that I can't stand the sound of a baby crying either and don't necessarily like children... That's just me and I know that my ears are much more sensitive than many. OH, and I don't like country either.
Silence is my favorite music and nature is my favorite musician.
Very good points. My question is what are you saying about the music when you describe your perceptions of its listeners. I cant answer that so i wont assume anything. My take is that Metal and Rap express, more so boldly then most other genres, the extreme anguish of poverty, low morality and its effects, in such a bold and often "in your face style". What I think is important here is understanding the messages of the artist. Which is difficult if your not into the music. But The songs that are bold and sarcastic and resentful merely are a artistic expression of that artist's emotions. its a release. I willing to guess that most of them realize this and use their music to address these emotions, so they can live a little closer to peace. You'll also find that Metal is a type of music that can represent all spectrum's of human emotion. In my opinion its just easier to hear anger and displeasure. Alot of people can recognize these traits easier then others. Thats a whole different topic.
So back to the destructive nature, Which i think is what you and William have issues with, I will put the blame where it lives. The individual. As I said earlier, you'll find Rap and Metal to exist more in middle and lower class communities then you would in wealthy communities. This is not 100% but for the most part.
My only defense isn't that good, but, Metal has the ability to point out alot of wrongs in our society just as much as any other type of music. To judge the movement and actions of its listeners, does not mean the music that the artists creates, is actually destructive. Judas Priest had there lyrics brought to Court!
and thats where Aedes and I are woeful about your stance. it seems to lead to these types of oppositions. Probably wrong but never the less, it is my perception.
Sorry, but I'm having a hard time trying to express these points in a very neutral manner. Hope you can get the gist of it.
I think this is where we differ in opinions. "What I think is important here is understanding the messages of the artist". I don't need to understand the message of the artist. In order to understand the anguish, anger, displeasure, poverty and low morality I'd have to listen to their music and feeding my mind with the 'In your face' problems or emotions of the artist is not what I'd want to feed my own mind. This is where the listeners become not only involved but engaged. Let the artist do what they will, I have the ability to make a conscious choice as to what I am willing to listen to and what I'm willing to feed my mind. Just because somebody expresses something, especially towards the negative energy side of things, doesn't mean that I need to understand it and make it a part of my world. When it comes right down to it, there are few artists who actually understand themselves let alone my trying to understand them.
Why would I want to have to listen to something with a destructive nature? Why would anyone want to feed their minds with something of such a destructive nature? Why would I want to make the artists problems my own by soaking up their expressed emotions within their music when it's all to well known that emotions are not something we want to have control over us.
The food we feed our mind is ultimately much more important then that which we feed our bodies.
Pointing out the wrongs in our society is not something we should be surrounding ourselves with. Lets all point out the wrongs and do nothing about them. That just doesn't ring music to my ears... but that's just me.
Many of these musicians sing about their childhood or where they were raised or the lifestyle they've lived and those that listen to this actually share in their experience. So the young man who never knew of the wrongs the musician points out, all of the sudden becomes aware of just how awful the world is or his parents are or his hood is
and then wants to be like a rapper and put a cap in someones ass or be a gangsta.[/[/quote]your making assumptions. What about the kid who wants to change things? Again it is very dangerous to live by fear. Your decisions will be contaminated when you focus negatively on things. its about looking at the negative, but not reacting negative. "two wrongs dont make a right". People deserve to learn this. Again sometimes it will be tragically and others beautifully.
Quote:lol. I have friends just like that. thats life. They are really interesting people. Meaning their lifestyle. i learn alot. Both positive and negative.My now, 20 year old son who was raised in a small town in Michigan went through a stage where the music you speak of is what he listened to. He, like many other young men started to dress and act out the crap in this music to the point where it was embarrassing to take him with us. He wrecked cars because of how the seat was so far back, couldn't hold down a job, attracted friends that were doing drugs I'd never even heard of, and living a life of a gangster style that he never knew other than through the music. It drove me up a wall and then I had to listen to it because he wanted to play it loud in the house... until of course I became destructive listening to it. :sarcastic:
Quote:He's Saved!:sarcastic:As he's aged, his pants are now starting to be worn like a man and he's removed the price tags off his hats and he's begun to see the destructiveness within the music he listened to. The music isn't all to blame but when you feed your mind with crap constantly, crap is what is produced and all one has to do is turn on the news or the television to see it. Music plays a big roll in all of this and to deny that music doesn't feed the soul would be... naive.
Music does feed the Soul. Again I can only present balance.
Take a look around at our world. What are the youth listening too? Who are they idolizing? What role does music play in all of this?
I'm going to let this thread rest because I cannot answer some of your questions above without delving into all other areas of philosophy and I'm not sure it can even be understood. But, to simplify things... Garbage in, garbage out. Our perception changes everything and if music changes our perception of our world... that's not education that's pollution.
"We could protect our guardians from growing up in the presence of evil, in a veritable pasture of poisonous herbs where by grazing at will, little by little and day by day, they should unwittingly accumulate a huge mass of corruption in their souls.
We should seek out artists and craftsmen whose natural gifts enable them to discern true beauty and grace. Then we shall have a salubrious climate in which our young may dwell and benefit from all their surroundings, where works of beauty are conveyed to eye and ear like breezes bringing health from wholesome places. In this way, from early childhood on, they would easily live in harmony and friendship with beauty and reason, coming finally to resemble them."