Aphoric wrote:What I am basically trying to say is how can man in all of his limitedness possibly understand the word of God, so well in fact that he reproduced it with 100% accuracy?
Good, honest question. Here's another perspective.
It will be continually difficult to rationalize and understand these teachings; increasingly so as one's mind becomes liberated and expands. Thus, I believe, is why we have the phrase:
Leap of Faith.
It's also why, again as I believe, it's so fashionable to take all such teachings and couch them with "Well, not *really*...", and "... it depends on how you see it!", "... we can't know" and the like. Descend, we do, into a relativistic, theological murkiness in which there is nothing substantive - nothing believable on which to hold; just vague notions and loose correlations while logic, empiricism (and other rational knowledge systems) we live with, and rely on every day, get tossed aside. As I grew, I found it more and more insulting to the human spirit. But that's just my opinion; and there's a
good chance I'm wrong.
Don't get me wrong, there are many good lessons to be drawn from much of mythology. Perhaps, one's best bet is to decide what they *do* believe, and take the best of what religious teachings have to offer.
After a thorough and critical examination, if something doesn't pass one's "gut" check, it's probably bunk
Thanks and Good luck, I hope you find an answer